Wednesday 15 December 2021

December 15, 2021

- as for the TDSB, you are taking all your learning materials home (in case they close the schools after Christmas). Please bring two large plastic bags to school.  I will finish Phantom by Friday. (read Chapter 19 tonight)

- All library books to be returned. I will let you borrow new books for the holidays


- share Antigen test kit with parents. Watch the two videos with them (blog) and learn how to do it. You are supposed to conduct the Antogen test over the winter holidays but IT IS NOT MANDATORY

- Roll the dice 100x. Tally the results. Convert the tally into probablity (fracton and decimal). Make a lot of noise and drive your brothers/sisters crazy. Happy Holidays

Example: 3, 4 (or 4, 3) appears 12 times. Then probability will be 12/100 or 12%.

- then add up the total to see if the probability is close to 1.00

- which combination appears most often? Least often?

12) muscle (in your arm, strong) - mussel (clams)

I takes a lot of strong muscle to open those mussels

I ate some mussels to grow my muscle

13) pail (bucket) - pale (light colour)

After carrying two heavy pails of dirt, my face turns very pale until I pass out

I turn pale when I dip my head into a pail of iced water

14) prey - pray

15) peace - piece

16) sail - sale

17) dye - die

18) fair - fare

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