Monday 13 December 2021

December 13, 2021


- Math probability. Complete at least Q2 (even/odd), Q3 (cards), Q4 (Happy New Year), and Q6 (416 numbers)

- study for Geography test. It will be on Wednesday (20 multiple choice questions, one contour map). Bring ruler and pencil

Compose a short story with most of these homonyms above. (there-they're-their, accept-except, two-to-too, weather-whether, toe-tow-toll-told)

  1. Toll (fee) - told (tell, speak to) - tow (tow truck) - toe

The 407 toll highway is the most expensive one in the world

I told you to pay attention in class. 

I told you to eat your broccoli so you can poo quickly

The tow truck ran over my big toe.

16. What is a contour interval? (spacing or different in height on the contour line 

17. In the middle of a continental, like Saskatchewan, what climate is there? Continental climate

18. In places such as Orange, CA or France, what climate is best to grow fruits and vegetables

19. Why is there a hole in the ozone layer? (CFC and other chemicals, styrofoam - thin the ozone layer

20. What gets into the Earth when there is a hole in the ozone layer (UV ray - sunburn, blind your eyes, 

Skin cancer

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