Wednesday 10 November 2021

November 10, 2021

 Phantom Tollbooth, Chapter 1 and 2, find ten adverbs and record the page number. Write down the sentence the adverb is from

For example, (p.11) Milo flopped dejectedly into a chair, and grumbled softly.

All about me scoring

Remembrance Day tomorrow. I will give you a poppy to wear during the day. Please donate something to the veterans by putting a coin (quarter or loonie) in the small brown envelope and return to school.

Currency exchange, please complete financial literacy homework

Starting next week, November 15, Mr. Sangster will teach Physical Education for 7B, three times per week.  The schedule is as follows:

Day 2, Period 6 (1:10pm to 2pm)

Day 4 Period 4 (11:30 to 12:20pm), you will eat lunch from 12:20pm to 12:45pm

Day 5 Period 3 (10:40am to 11:30am)

I will teach his class math and money.

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