Thursday 28 October 2021

Sample of a good scary story


Grade 7, Kwok's student writing sample

  The black night was a silky piece of velvet draped over the world, layering it with heavy shadows. It was woven with wisps of silver mist, and the moon peaked coyly from behind its veil like a bashful maiden. Small animals rustled the grass quietly, and flashes of their bodies could be seen in the pale but luminous moonlight. It felt like nature was peacefully in sync during that night, but plotting something sinister. Suddenly, the blood-curdling howl of a mighty wolf erupted eerily through the hazy silence. The members of his pack echoed his cries loudly and the screeches fused together, resonating through my skull like a never-ending nightmare. Bright colours flashed in front of my eyes like explosions from a harshly fought war. I knew were just violent figments of my imagination, but that didn’t stop them from rumbling around in my head appallingly.  Out of my paranoia and desperation, I sat up stiffly in my bed. Every nerve in my body shook tremendously, bracing for an impact. I could feel my eyes glazing over and burning with melancholy tears. 

“It has begun,” I whispered hoarsely. Soon after those words left my mouth, I collapsed and my all my hysteric thoughts quickly spiralled into a realm of emptiness. All present reality vanished, faltering like a distant mirage.


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