Tuesday 12 October 2021

October 12, 2021


- French homework. If you want to complete the milk chart, go ahead

- Cross country practice tomorrow morning at 8:15am in the back field. Be there on time for those who want to participate (bring an extra shirt if you want to change to a new shirt after the run)

- My Wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner DTP is due Wednesday by midnight

- header (a title, change colour), Footer (page number), 2 columns, a picture of a dish between columns, Drop Cap

- write a description of your meal. Minimum 150 words with at least 15 ADJECTIVES to describe food, drink, salad, dessert
- smell, taste, how you bite, after taste

- answers for circumference problems

a. 9231.6m

b. 250.95m

c1. 1524181m or 1524.18km

c2: 88271.94 times

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