Friday 1 October 2021

October 1, 2021


- work on the media project (All About You, 10 slides). Presentation will start next week

- French homework, complete reading comprehension

- find 25 adjectives to describe food (drink, appetizer, snack, lunch, dinner)

- write ten sentences to describe the food you have chosen. You must use at least ONE adjective to describe the food item. For examples

1. The crunchy skin of the fried chicken is truly delicious

2. The overcooked steak is too chewy for Mini Kwok.

3. I really like the creamy white clam sauce with my pasta.

4. The stone cold greasy fries from this restaurant is not edible

5. My mouth waters continuously when I smell the sweet aroma of the ramen broth.

6. Everyday after eating a juicy orange, Mr. Kwok will be relieved instantly.

7. The dessert tastes heavenly when a scoop of vanilla ice cream is added to this freshly baked brownie.

8. On a hot summer day, it is always nice to have a glass of ice cold, and refreshing lemonade.

- take ONE photo of your dinner meal and send it to kwokhomework You will need that next week

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