Thursday 3 June 2021

June 3, 2021

One selfie a day working out (walk, ball games, bike, stretches). I need to see your face (or part of your face to prove that it is you). This is for your PhE mark for the 3 selfies this weekend


Yearbook order. Please order by Saturday June 5

Yearbook must be purchased by this Saturday June 5. $22/copy. Please use TDSB email account to register


- No school tomorrow. PA day on Friday June 4

Cloze Passage-16  Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Zhou Caishen bathes about twenty t_ _ _ _  a day.  This eleven year old b_ _  is not excessively c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  with  cleanliness.  I_ _ _ _ _ _,  it is something which has to do because he was b_ _ _  without a_ _  sweat glands.

            When he f_ _ _ _  hot, his body c_ _ _ _ _  cool itself, so he must b_ _ _ _  every hour.  On hot days,  he  bathes even  more  frequently - o_ _ _  in  almost every  fifteen m_ _ _ _ _ _.

            He even has to l_ _ _ _  school d_ _ _ _ _  lessons to go h_ _ _  to have a bath if his body h_ _ _ _  up.

            Caishen is s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  from a rare disorder called congenital ectodermal dysplasia.  P_ _ _ _ _  with this disorder do not have swear g_ _ _ _ _.  Besides this,  they have v_ _ _  thin hair and fewer teeth.

            Caishen’s  parents  have  been  trying  very  h_ _ _  to  look after him.   They  have i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  an air conditioner in their home for him.  However, even during the n_ _ _ _ time, his mother has to g_ _ _ him cold sponges.

Cloze Passage-17  Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

As soon as out teacher leaves the c_ _ _ _,  there is chaos.  Michelle, who has been feeling d_ _ _ _ _  the whole day, dozes off very e_ _ _ _ _.  We have n_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  her ‘Sleeping Beauty’ because she always sleeps in class.

            Just beside her, is the lively and talkative Justin.  He is in a very good m_ _ _  today and takes the o_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  to sing his favourite s_ _ _ _.

            In one corner, a  g_ _ _ _  of girls gather to exchange stickers.  They take out their  s_ _ _ _ _ _  albums secretly and begin to t_ _ _.  As they become more and m_ _ _  engrossed, their voices g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  become louder.

            Anil, the top pupil i out class, is t_ _ _ _ _  to solve the mathematics problems my teacher told us to complete b_ _ _ _ _  she got back to class.  He is the m_ _ _  industrious pupil here, who is seldom d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   by noise.  This is d_ _  to his remarkable ability to concentrate on his w_ _ _.

            Rosalind, who is trying to read, however, is d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and yells at us to make less n_ _ _ _.  Our t_ _  monitors, Jinny and Hank, and trying their b_ _ _  to keep the class q_ _ _ _.  They are threatening to write d_ _ _  the names of the noisy pupils, which will be h_ _ _ _ _  to the teacher.

            Suddenly, a sound from the door indicates that our t_ _ _ _ _ _  is back.  Everyone scrambles back to their s_ _ _ _  and the class returns to normal.

Cloze Passage-18              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            I am a book.  I was produced in a publishing c_ _ _ _ _ _ , then s_ _ _ to a school which had ordered me for its l_ _ _ _ _ _.

            I was unwrapped b_  a librarian and p_ _ _ _ _  on a shelf with two other b_ _ _ _.  I tell many interesting s_ _ _ _ _ _  and there were many colourful p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ inside me.

            One day, a boy took me to his home.  He l_ _ _ _  my pictures so much that he c_ _ them out without p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  He then kept me under his bed for two l_ _ _  weeks.

            When the l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  discovered that I  was m_ _ _ _ _ _,  he checked to see w_ _  had borrowed be l_ _ _.  The boy was called up by his t_ _ _ _ _ _  and f_ _ _ _ _  to return me to the s_ _ _ _ _  library.

            By that time, I had lost many of my beautiful p_ _ _ _ _ _ _  and was even torn n some p_ _ _ _ _.  The boy was reprimanded by his teacher but only had to p_ _  a small fine for causing permanent d_ _ _ _ _  to me.

            I am old and wrinkled, and spending the last years of my life neglected on a dusty shelf.

Cloze Passage-19              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            The largest living a_ _ _ _ _  is the blue whale.  When it is fully grown, it is an amazing thirty metres l_ _ _ and weighs more than 1 500 grown men.

            Although it  lives completely  in  the o_ _ _ _ _,  it originally  evolved from  a  land  a_ _ _ _ _.  Just like all other w_ _ _ _ _,  it is a m_ _ _ _ _.  It is warm-blooded and has lungs.  The female gives b_ _ _ _  to her young alive a_ _  feeds the pups with her own  m_ _ _.

            Blue whales  feed on krill,  tiny shrimp-like  creatures   f_ _ _ _  in the ocean.  They s_ _ _ _  most of the summer of the southern hemisphere close to the Antarctic ice.  When s_ _ _ _ _  is over, they m_ _ _ _ _ _  north to breed in the Indian O_ _ _ _.

            As they s_ _ _,  they communicate with one another by u_ _ _ _  underwater sounds.  These unique underwater s_ _ _ _ _  can travel over 5 000 kilometres.

            A blue whale’s life s_ _ _  is about eighty years.  However,  this has been r_ _ _ _ _ _  drastically by humans who hunt t_ _ _.  The Japanese, in particular, are notorious for killing w_ _ _ _ _ because the meat of whales is c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  a delicacy in Japan.

            These creatures are protected from whaling but still, some hunters p_ _ _ _ _ _  in killing them.  Pollution  of the oceans may also be a t_ _ _ _ _  to them in the future.  More should be done to p_ _ _ _ _ _ them because it is such a pity for such a might and beautiful yet harmless creature to become e_ _ _ _ _ _.

Cloze Passage-20              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Two great airship disasters occurred in the 1930s.  The first was the crash of the British R101 and the s_ _ _ _ _  more well-known d_ _ _ _ _ _ _  was the crash of the Hindenburg.

            The British R101 was built by the government.  The airship was scheduled to l_ _ _ _  India on her maiden voyage on October 4, 1930.  Royalty and high-ranking g_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  officials were on board.  These p_ _ _ _ _  on board had a tremendous a_ _ _ _ _  of luggage with them.

            As the airship headed for France, tragedy s_ _ _ _ _.  The airship’s altitude d_ _ _ _ _ _  but she could not make an emergency landing.  She scraped treetops and other buildings.  Eventually, she hit a low hill outside Beauvais in France and burst into f_ _ _ _ _.  There were no s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            Seven years later, the German airship Hindenburg suffered a similar fate.  This airship, owned by the Nazis, boasted of s_ _ _ _ _ _ _  engineering and a unique design.  She used to c_ _ _ _  passengers from Frankfurt to New York and b_ _ _.

            On May 3, 1937, she left for New Y_ _ _.  A malfunction during this f_ _ _ _ _  caused the Hindenburg to c_ _ _ _  fire suddenly.  The fire spread fast because the airship’s frame c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  hydrogen.  The airship sank to the b_ _ _ _ _   and crashed in the midst of flames.  Remarkably, o_ _ _  thirty-six of the ninety-seven passengers died.

            This disaster put an e_ _  to the use of airships as a f_ _ _  of transportation.  This paved the way for the u_ _  of airplanes.

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