Wednesday 23 June 2021

June 23, 2021


Math fraction, exercise 4 and 5 (adding fractions with same denominator. answers must be in mixed number)

Exercise 4

Circus acrobat fell and died



Cloze Passage-27              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            A w_ _ _ _ _ _ old man went to the b_ _ _ to find out the annual interest they c_ _ _ _ _ _ for taking a l_ _ _.  The bank manager told him that the bank only charged 4% .

            The old man said that he would like to b_ _ _ _ _ ten dollars.  The m_ _ _ _ _ _ was bewildered but nevertheless, asked for his i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and collateral.  The o_ _ man proudly stated that he would use $50,000 as c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            The manager was even more p_ _ _ _ _ _.  He did not c_ _ _ _ _ _ on the man’s decision, afraid that this might o_ _ _ _ _ him.  He l_ _ _ the ten dollars to him without further questions.

            A year passed q_ _ _ _ _ _, the old man returned to the bank with ten d_ _ _ _ _ _ and forty cents as i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to redeem his fifty t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dollars.  The c_ _ _ _ _ _ bank teller asked him why he needed to b_ _ _ _ _ ten dollars when obviously he was very rich.

            The old man told the t_ _ _ _ _ that he only needed to pay ten dollars and forty cents to have his money safely g_ _ _ _ _ _ at the bank.  The teller, trying to hid her amusement, told him that they had an a_ _ _ _ _ _ called a term deposit account.  The bank actually pays people interest to put their m_ _ _ _ into the bank in this account.


Cloze Passage-28              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

My grandfather gave me a male budgerigar for my eleventh b_ _ _ _ _ _ _.  I spent half of my monthly a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  on a special bird c_ _ _ and special food for it.

I liked to w_ _ _ _ it skip around and peck at the food.  I decided to call it P_ _ _ _.  Pecky liked to somersault and h_ _ around its cage.  To me, it was certainly e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ itself in its new home.

After a few m_ _ _ _ _, it became unusually q_ _ _ _ --- not as active and n_ _ _ _ as before.  I thought it was s_ _ _ , so I took it to the v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ whom my friend r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  The veterinarian announced that it was p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fine after a thorough examination.  I decided to i_ _ _ _ _ Pecky’s weird behaviour..

A few days l_ _ _ _, while I was observing Pecky, an i_ _ _ came to me.  Perhaps, it was b_ _ _ _ since it had no c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to play with.  I told my parents about getting a companion for Pecky and they a_ _ _ _ _.  We went down to the pet shop and bought a_ _ _ _ _ _ budgerigar that was f_ _ _ _ _ .

Pecky was so e_ _ _ _ _ _ about its new companion that it hopped around and chirped l_ _ _ _ _.  I named the new bird Becky.  Ever since, Pecky has been a_ _ _ _ _ again.  It is never quiet except when it is s_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

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