Monday 14 June 2021

June 14, 2021

 7B Monologue 2

Real life applications: volume of Coffee pot and bath tubs


You will need an empty water bottle with the volume of 500mL


1) estimate the volume of a full coffee pot (or kettle) by pouring water from water bottle into the pot (how many mL is needed to fill coffee pot or kettle)


2) measure the dimensions of a bath tub in your home, assuming it is a rectangular prism (length, width, height in cm). Then determine the volume of the tub if it is 75% full



Cloze Passage-21              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Stamp collecting is a h_ _ _ _  which appeals to people of all a_ _ _.  Stamps which are normally c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  fall into two categories:  used and u_ _ _ _ _.  Used stamps have been pasted on e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  and postmarked by the p_ _ _  office.

            Mint stamps are unused stamps w_ _ _ _  still have the original glue at the b_ _ _.  The world’s first s_ _ _ _  is the Penny Black.  It w_ _  introduced to Britain in the eighteenth c_ _ _ _ _ _.

            Different people h_ _ _  different preferences for stamps.  Some may p_ _ _ _ _  to collect a particular king of p_ _ _ _ _ _  stamp from a country or a group of countries, while some may wish to c_ _ _ _ _ _ stamps on a particular subject, such as sports.  When a stamp has a slight difference in design, it becomes r_ _ _  and thus, more v_ _ _ _ _ _ _  to a collector.

            A stamp catalogue w_ _ _  come in handy if you want to f_ _ _  out something about the stamp i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  its present value.  The catalogue also provides an accurate description of stamps.



Cloze Passage-22              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            The Himalayas form the highest mountain range in the w_ _ _ _.  They extend to more t_ _ _  2 000 kilometres in southern Asia.  The m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  are situated at the frontier of northern India  a_ _  southern Tibet.  They a_ _  as a natural barrier for India  a_ _ _ _ _ _  the cold winds from the south blowing t_ _ _ _ _ _  the north.

            The highest peak of t_ _ range is M_ _ _ _  Everest, which is a_ _ _ _  9 000 metres above sea l_ _ _ _.  Besides Mount Everest, there are a_ _ _  many other permanently snow-capped m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            Many p_ _ _ _ _  have climber Mount Everest from different directions.  The m_ _ _  favoured route  has been the southern one w_ _ _ _  is approached through Nepal.  This  r_ _ _ _  was taken by Sir Edmund Hilary a_ _  Sherpa Tenzing in 1953.

            The most difficult route to the summit of this mountain is by way of the Northeast Ridge.  An a_ _ _ _ _ _  by a team of British climbers in the past w_ _  unsuccessful.

            Since then, Mount Everest h_ _  be conquered by many mountaineers.  They have concentrated on i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  their skills in mountaineering so that they can subdue even the most seemingly impossible mountain.

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