Tuesday 29 June 2021

June 29, 2021


June 29, 2021


My Grade 7 June Report Card goals. What to look for in grade 8?


- something you will do to get ready for high school

- in addition to playing games, watching You tube and hanging out with friends, what will you do to reinforce the academics? Name 3 things (writing, math, general knowledge)

- how will you get ready for high school, which is only 14 months away?

- how to be a good kid at home, to be respectful to parents


If you want to watch the virtual graduation ceremony, here is the link



This afternoon, please follow these steps and work on the riddles

Hello Cummer Valley,

As today (June 29th) is the last day of school, we decided to do something special for Teaser Tuesday! ESCAPE ROOMS!

How to Play

  • Go to Student BreakoutEDU 

  • Click on “sign up” (or sign in if you already used this website and have an account!)

  • Use this code to get in the class!  ZEGUP6

  • Continue following screen instructions to sign-up 

  • IMPORTANT - when making your username, make sure it is your name + last initial + your SAG (eg. SoroushB-7A) follow this format so it is easy for us to detect which class you are from and will be used to award the spirit points

  • Once signed up, click on “Games Library” and pick one of the games to play!

  • You have 3 options

    • An afternoon at the comic bookstore for math lovers! (Grade 7  recommended)

    • Alien Encounter - Looking for Earth 2.0 for science lovers! (Grades 6-8 recommended) 

    • Attack of the locks for starwars lovers! 

Feel free to explore each one and then choose which one you want

Each one includes a series of riddles that will lead you to unlocking locks 

  • Once you have chosen what you want, click on the play button and begin solving the riddles to open locks and “escape” them! In each lock there are hints to help you. Make sure to observe the pictures/other clues closely!

  • Feel free to help each other but please do not spoil the game/give away the answers to the lock combinations

  • You will be awarded 10 spirit points to your class for every successful completion of one of the options (feel free to do more than one if you have the time)

  • We will be accepting submissions until 7p.m. on June 29th, so you have time after school to complete them if you wish to (the escape rooms are short)

  • This is completely optional and we understand that some people might not have the time to do it

Monday 28 June 2021

Judy 28, 2021

Virtual Field Trip - due tonight. Send that to me before you go to bed

Joshua B, Kareem,Jenna, Joshua D, Golshid, Brandon, Radin, Sarah, Aria, Nick, Tuleen, Zoobiya, Sloane, Layla, Hana


Fraction test


Find my school


Grade 9 Specialized programs   


Friday 25 June 2021

Virtual Field Trip June 25, 2021



- for each site, clock on the photo and there is a link below the photograph

- go to that site and browse through the attraction. Then answer the questions


- do the questions in page 9 and 10

- there will be a fraction test on Monday, all multiple choice

- please be ontime (each time slot will allow only six students from 7A, 7B, 7C)

- please do health screening QR code before you leave home

Time Blocks

Student Name

Student Name

9:00 - 9:15


9:15 - 9:30


9:30 - 9:45

9:45 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:15

10:15 - 10:30

10:30 - 10:45

Joshua B

10:45 - 11:00


Joshua D

11:00 - 11:15



11:15 - 11:30



11:30 - 11:45



11:45 - 12:00



12:00 - 12:30



12:30 - 12:45



12:45 - 1:00



1:00 - 1:15



1:15 - 1:30


1:30 - 1:45


1:45 - 2:00



2:00 - 2:15


2:15 - 2:30

2:30 - 2:45

2:45 - 3:00

Thursday 24 June 2021

June 24, 2021

 Tomorrow textbook return time


Japanese building design for earthquake



Cloze Passage-29              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

The c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ of ancient civilizations were not very different from the young of today.  Archaeological findings have r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ many of the activities of young during the a_ _ _ _ _ _ period.  For example, the Mohenjoparo civilizations which e_ _ _ _ _ _ from 2500 - 1500 BC saw the need to m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ toys for their children.

All sort of t_ _ _, including Window based computers, were d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ when historians dug to find out the kind of life ancient p_ _ _ _ _ led.  There were objects like a_ _ _ _ _ _ with heads joined and little w_ _ _ _ _ with wheels that turn when drawn by toy oxen.  Children from ancient c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Babylon, Athens and Rome played just as much.  Greek children knew how to fly k_ _ _ _ and girls played with d_ _ _ _.

In ancient Egypt, it was very c_ _ _ _ _ to die at a young age.  So parents used to b_ _ _ toys with their children.  Archaeologists have come across g_ _ _ _ numbers of toys usually in the form of animals, that were made with ivory, wood and terracotta or cloth.  They also discovered that children went to s_ _ _ _ _  and studied.

Throughout h_ _ _ _ _ _, society has made provisions for the e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of children.  For example, during the Babylonian times, young boys who learned to become p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ writers had to go to s_ _ _ _ _ in temples.  Athens and Rome had f_ _ _ _ _ schools comparable to modern u_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Cloze Passage-30              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

In America, there is a ranch with strictly no males a_ _ _ _ _ _.  During the summer m_ _ _ _ _, people from all p_ _ _ _ of America go to the r_ _ _ _ to stay and learn something they have never done b_ _ _ _ _.

What is so s_ _ _ _ _ _ about this ranch?  The campers are required to do all the things t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  These jobs include mending the f_ _ _ _ _, chasing the cattle and all the c_ _ _ _ _ that are normally done by m_ _ _ _ .

When asked about the p_ _ _ _ _ _ of setting up this r_ _ _ _, the o_ _ _ _, Mrs. Towner, said that the wives are always put down by their h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ when it comes to h_ _ _ _  d_ _ _ chores.  Mrs. Towner also said that this ranch p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the campers with the chance to do certain chores that they had never done before.

Since the o_ _ _ _ _ _ of the ranch, the response has been very good.  The c_ _ _ _ _ _ do not mind the d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ chores that would normally tire them out.  One camper, Mrs. Olivia, who lives in Texas said that she had always wanted to learn how to h_ _ _ for game but her husband did not have the time to teach her.  Thus, she would end up p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ meals and making c_ _ _ _ _ in the tent.

Most of the campers i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ said that they never regretted coming to the ranch and they e_ _ _ _ _ _ themselves thoroughly.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

June 23, 2021










Math fraction, exercise 4 and 5 (adding fractions with same denominator. answers must be in mixed number)

Exercise 4

Circus acrobat fell and died




Cloze Passage-27              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            A w_ _ _ _ _ _ old man went to the b_ _ _ to find out the annual interest they c_ _ _ _ _ _ for taking a l_ _ _.  The bank manager told him that the bank only charged 4% .

            The old man said that he would like to b_ _ _ _ _ ten dollars.  The m_ _ _ _ _ _ was bewildered but nevertheless, asked for his i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and collateral.  The o_ _ man proudly stated that he would use $50,000 as c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            The manager was even more p_ _ _ _ _ _.  He did not c_ _ _ _ _ _ on the man’s decision, afraid that this might o_ _ _ _ _ him.  He l_ _ _ the ten dollars to him without further questions.

            A year passed q_ _ _ _ _ _, the old man returned to the bank with ten d_ _ _ _ _ _ and forty cents as i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ to redeem his fifty t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ dollars.  The c_ _ _ _ _ _ bank teller asked him why he needed to b_ _ _ _ _ ten dollars when obviously he was very rich.

            The old man told the t_ _ _ _ _ that he only needed to pay ten dollars and forty cents to have his money safely g_ _ _ _ _ _ at the bank.  The teller, trying to hid her amusement, told him that they had an a_ _ _ _ _ _ called a term deposit account.  The bank actually pays people interest to put their m_ _ _ _ into the bank in this account.


Cloze Passage-28              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

My grandfather gave me a male budgerigar for my eleventh b_ _ _ _ _ _ _.  I spent half of my monthly a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  on a special bird c_ _ _ and special food for it.

I liked to w_ _ _ _ it skip around and peck at the food.  I decided to call it P_ _ _ _.  Pecky liked to somersault and h_ _ around its cage.  To me, it was certainly e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ itself in its new home.

After a few m_ _ _ _ _, it became unusually q_ _ _ _ --- not as active and n_ _ _ _ as before.  I thought it was s_ _ _ , so I took it to the v_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ whom my friend r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  The veterinarian announced that it was p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ fine after a thorough examination.  I decided to i_ _ _ _ _ Pecky’s weird behaviour..

A few days l_ _ _ _, while I was observing Pecky, an i_ _ _ came to me.  Perhaps, it was b_ _ _ _ since it had no c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to play with.  I told my parents about getting a companion for Pecky and they a_ _ _ _ _.  We went down to the pet shop and bought a_ _ _ _ _ _ budgerigar that was f_ _ _ _ _ .

Pecky was so e_ _ _ _ _ _ about its new companion that it hopped around and chirped l_ _ _ _ _.  I named the new bird Becky.  Ever since, Pecky has been a_ _ _ _ _ again.  It is never quiet except when it is s_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Tuesday 22 June 2021

Scrambled egg photos
















June 22, 2021


- complete the other close passage this morning by yourself. Either Bumble bees or No Place to Go

- record answers in an email and send that back to me

- the email will be one to you at 9:10am this morning


- reducing fractions, page 4 and 5. Complete Exercise 3 on page 5



- try cooking scramble egg inside a ziplock. Microwave it for 9 sec at a time. Let the steam cools off before reheating it for 9 more second. DO NOT heat it up for 25sec straight. The ziplock will explode.



- return three books to me (history, science, Broken Blade)

- return Kwok's Chromebook, charger and mouse

- must go through main entrance, show QR code to principal. Then proceed to classroom

- please be ontime (each time slot will allow only six students from 7A, 7B, 7C)

Time Blocks

Student Name

Student Name

9:00 - 9:15


9:15 - 9:30


9:30 - 9:45

9:45 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:15

10:15 - 10:30

10:30 - 10:45

Joshua B

10:45 - 11:00


Joshua D

11:00 - 11:15



11:15 - 11:30



11:30 - 11:45



11:45 - 12:00



12:00 - 12:30



12:30 - 12:45



12:45 - 1:00



1:00 - 1:15



1:15 - 1:30


1:30 - 1:45


1:45 - 2:00



2:00 - 2:15


2:15 - 2:30

2:30 - 2:45

2:45 - 3:00