Wednesday 19 May 2021

May 19, 2021

 - Youth vaccine appointment, starting from May 31

 -  Science test on Friday May 21. Study

- Math: volume and surface area of rectangular prisms

Answers: Volume 360cm3, Surface area = 314cm2

Volume 3600cm3, Surface area = 1440cm2

Volume 476000cm3, Surface area = 37720cm2

Volume 2400cm3, Surface area = 1120cm2

Volume 2240cm3, Surface area = 1228cm2

Volume 480cm3, Surface area = 392cm2




Cloze Passage-8                Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Emperor Nawab ruled the Northern part of India during ancient times.  Once he was challenged  by a  neighbouring ruler to f_ _ _  out the circumference of  the earth,  so he o_ _ _ _ _ _  a reward to anyone who knew of a m_ _ _ _ _  to perform the task.

            The emperor s_ _ _  his messengers  to proclaim this t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  the kingdom.  Many tried to t_ _ _ _  of a method so that they could r_ _ _ _ _ _  the reward by none were successful.

            Goal  was  a  twelve  y_ _ _  old  boy who  l_ _ _ _  with   his  parents  in  a small  v_ _ _ _ _ _.  One day, his parents were t_ _ _ _ _ _  about what they had heard from the m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            Goal came up with a b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  idea , which he explained to his f_ _ _ _ _.  The next day, Goal and his father headed for the emperor’s p_ _ _ _ _.

            The emperor was d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  when he say them b_ _ _ _ _ _  he wanted to win the challenge of the neighbouring r_ _ _ _, Emperor Wahab.

            When the emperor asked them to s_ _ _ _, Goal said, “Your majesty, give me eight carts filled with thread.”

            The emperor agreed.  The next day, t_ _ _  set out for Emperor Wahab’s palace.  When they a_ _ _ _ _ _, they asked to see the emperor..

            Goal said, “The circumference of the e_ _ _ _  is equivalent to the length of  all the t_ _ _ _ _  in those bullock carts.  You can measure it again if you have any d_ _ _ _ _.”

            The emperor was s_ _ _ _ _ _  and knew he had to admit d_ _ _ _ _.  He immediately  sent   his  messengers  to  c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   Emperor  Nawab on  his  v_ _ _ _ _ _.

            Goal and his father received a l_ _ _ _  sum of money from Emperor Nawab.  They never had to live in poverty again.

Cloze Passage-9    Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Earth is make up of various types of places, ranging from the hottest deserts to the coldest polar regions.  Hot deserts, which occupy almost one-fifth of the l_ _ _  area of the world, have h_ _ _  temperatures and very l_ _ _ _ _  rainfall.

            They are extremely hot the w_ _ _ _  year and several years may p_ _ _  without any rainfall.  After this d_ _  period, there may be a s_ _ _ _ _  thunderstorm.  Seeds will germinate and g_ _ _.  After some time, t_ _ _ _  plants flower.

            The world’s l_ _ _ _ _ _  desert is the Sahara  in North Africa.  Some d_ _ _ _ _ _,  like those in the Middle East, are r_ _ _  in oil and other n_ _ _ _ _ _  resources.

            The  polar  r_ _ _ _ _ _   are  the  coldest  places  on   e_ _ _ _.   Some  parts  are  c_ _ _ _ _ _  with ice the whole year.  The l_ _ _ _ _  temperature that has been recorded was in the South Pole.

            Nobody l_ _ _ _  in the South Pole permanently but some scientists stay in heated homes on a t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  basis while they conduct r_ _ _ _ _ _ _.  Polar bears, seals, and walruses are some the a_ _ _ _ _ _  found in these cold regions.

            The tundra, which is slightly north is less cold.  The snow m_ _ _ _  in summer, when the temperature r_ _ _ _ .  Here, Eskimos live in i_ _ _ __ and hunt small animals for their daily m_ _ _ _.  Migrating reindeer and other animals like penguins can be found in the tundra.


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