Friday 14 May 2021

May 14, 2021

 Science test (interaction with the environment, chapter 4 to 6) next Friday, May 21). STUDY


Cloze Passage-4    Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Elephants are generally considered the mightiest land a_ _ _ _ _ _  alive.  They have a good memory and are intelligent c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .  They are friendly and g_ _ _-natured, but  will   a_ _ _ _ _   if they  are  provoked.  Once  they  charge,  they  can  be  just  as  d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  as lions and tigers.

            They feed on plants with their h_ _ _  teeth, which are each the size of a brick.  Throughout t_ _ _ _  lives, each elephant has a t_ _ _ _  of twenty-four teeth.  However, when they are used up, the wild e_ _ _ _ _ _ _  starves to d_ _ _ _.  Nevertheless, elephants usually live for almost seventy y_ _ _ _.

            Humans have u_ _ _  elephants to do work and to f_ _ _ _  battles over the years.  Presently, however, humans are k_ _ _ _ _ _  them for their tusks.  These tusks are used to m_ _ _  ivory ornaments and trinkets.  Ivory is scarce, so it is s_ _ _  at a high price.

            Poachers, people who hunt and kill a_ _ _ _ _ _illegally, have reduced the n_ _ _ _ _ of African elephants by half d_ _ _ _ _  the 1980s alone.  Even now, about 100 000  African elephants are killed by p_ _ _ _ _ _ _  each year.

            Moreover, the development of land agriculture have reduced the elephants’ natural h_ _ _ _ _ _.  This makes it even more d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for the animals to survive because there is l_ _ _  food and shelter.  Thus, the once-mighty elephant has been reduced to a mere victim of human destruction.


Cloze Passage-5    Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Dark clouds gathered across the blue s_ _.  The sea was rough but a poor Chinese fisherman insisted on g_ _ _ _  out to sea.  His wife tried to p_ _ _ _ _ _ _  him to change his mind but he r_ _ _ _ _ _  to do so.  This was because he needed to earn e_ _ _ _ _  money to feed his wife and five c_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            The f_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ set out in his sampan just as it b_ _ _ _ to rain.  He went far out to sea, as he always did, then cast his net i_ _ _  the water and waited patiently.

            After some time, he knew it was t_ _ _ to pull in his net.  He was pulling in with all his m_ _ _ _   when he lost his b_ _ _ _ _ _ and fell into the sea.

            He was about to d_ _ _ _  when a turtle suddenly a_ _ _ _ _ _ _  and carried him on its b_ _ _  to a nearby island.

            The fisherman lived on the i_ _ _ _ _  for some time.  One evening, d_ _ _ _ _  a terrible storm, he saw the same gigantic t_ _ _ _ _.    It swam to the s_ _ _ _  to leave a Malay fisherman there.

            These t_ _  fishermen became friends.  Each man d_ _ _ _ _ _  to build a temple on the island.  These temples are still s_ _ _ _ _ _ _  and there is a turtle sculpture to commemorate the turtle that s_ _ _ _  them.  The island is now known as Kusu Island.


7B Math line coordinates. Plot these lines up

Line 5 (0, 0) (8,4)

Line 6 (–6, 4) (4, –6)

Line 7 (1, 8) (–2, –3)

Line 8 (3, 5) (–5, 4)


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