Monday 31 May 2021

May 31, 2021

 This afternoon

- if you drew the prisms on paper, redo them in Draw if you want to get credit

- French work from this morning if you name was mentioned by Madam

- speech

- book report


Yearbook must be purchased by this Saturday June 5. $22/copy. Please use TDSB email account to register


Share Kamloops story with parents. Tell them about the dark history of our country 

- Determine the surface area of triangular prism#1 (height of triangle - 15cm, base of triangle is 10cm, length of rectangle is 21cm). Ans: 780cm2

- Determine the surface area of triangular prism#2 (height of triangle - 7cm, base of triangle is 12cm, length of rectangle is 19cm) Ans: 768cm2


Cloze Passage-14  Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

Once upon a t_ _ _,  there lived an old woman and her beautiful y_ _ _ _  daughter in a small v_ _ _ _ _ _  in China.  They were  poor and  had  to work h_ _ _  just to buy  e_ _ _ _ _  food  for the day.

            The daughter worked the w_ _ _ _  day in the padi fields of a rich landlord while her m_ _ _ _ _  did  all the cleaning in their  cottage and looked a_ _ _ _  the few sheep they o_ _ _ _.

            A few years later, the mother passed away at the a_ _  of eighty-nine.  The daughter was broken-h_ _ _ _ _ _  and mourned the d_ _ _ _.  Of her mother.  Imagine her s_ _ _ _  when the chief of the village t_ _ _  her about a peculiar village c_ _ _ _ _.

            He explained that when a person d_ _ _, it was a custom to e_ _ the flesh.  The villagers had been p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  the custom for m_ _ _ generations, so it was compulsory f_ _  her to do likewise.

            She protested but it was in v_ _ _.  The chief r_ _ _ _ _ _  to listen to her pleas and ordered her to p_ _ _ _ _ _  the flesh for him to eat the n_ _ _  day.

            The resourceful girl went to the f_ _ _ _ _  to search for the carcass  so that she could t_ _ _ _  the greedy village c_ _ _ _.  Within an hour, she found the c_ _ _ _ _ _  of a goat, which was covered w_ _ _ maggots.

            She took it h_ _ _,  cooked the rotting m_ _ _  and gave it to the village chief the next d_ _.  The greedy chief, who usually did not have much f_ _ _  to eat, thanked her for the delightful m_ _ _.

Cloze Passage-15  Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Francis Light  is  the founder of  Penang Island, Singapore.  He was b_ _ _  in  England in  the  y_ _ _  1740.  When he was twenty-five years o_ _,  he b_ _ _ _ _  the captain of a firm i_  Madras.  He  was  later appointed  Superintendent  to  s_ _ _ _  the Penang  Settlement.  He  w_ _ _  to Kedah in 1786 and p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  the Sultan to allow h_ _  to occupy Penang.    

Light was responsible f_ _  the development of Penang.  He encouraged trading a_ _  agriculture.  Padi, pepper, coconuts, and sugar-cane were just a f_ _  of the crops that were p_ _ _ _ _ _.  The main e_ _ _ _ _  was pepper.

            At  that   t_ _ _,   there  was  no  code  of  law  n_ _   a  system  of  justice.   Light   a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  a headperson for e_ _ _  community.  These headpeople had to deal with m_ _ _ _  cases relating to the community.  However,  all major cases were d_ _ _ _ with in India.

            Francis  Light  was  k_ _ _ _   as an  able administrator, who  used  his  knowledge,  c_ _ _ _ _  sense, and initiative to d_ _ _ _ _ _  Penang.  He d_ _ _  of

Friday 28 May 2021

May 28, 2021

 This weekend, and every weekend when it does not rain, you should go out to do some exercise (walk, stretch, play basketball, bike etc). Take a selfie and send that to me. If you don't do that, there is no evidence to show that you participate in the TDSB physical literacy workout program. I will deduct marks from PhE in the June reports. 

Science, structure unit, chapter 10

Roller Coasters (find the names, locations and speed. Also identify the motions, find pictures, watch videos to see how insane they are!)

- combinations of all these motions

a. fastest roller coaster (100miles per hour = 161km per hour)

b. highest roller coaster

c. steepest drop roller coaster (cannot be vertical, or 90°)

d. longest roller coasters

e. your favourite one that you would like to try


Cloze Passage-12  Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Book Night is part of the Night of the Arts Festival.  This unique e_ _ _ _  takes place in Helsinki, Finland.

            This  is the  n_ _ _ _   when  almost  everyone  roams  the  galleries and  museums  t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  the city until midnight.  Later, they b_ _ _ _ _  in bookstores and the library.  M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, there are outdoor concerts and recitals.

            The bookstore  that  is frequented the m_ _ _  is The Academic Bookstore.   Over  45 000  p_ _ _ _ _  visit the s_ _ _ _  on Book Night a_ _ _ _.

            Although there are o_ _ _ _  attractions that night, s_ _ _ as free movies and outdoor jazz, the bookstore still remains the ‘star’ of the f_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            This festival has many a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  F_ _ _ _ and foremost, it helps to cultivate the reading h_ _ _ _.  It a_ _ _  stresses the i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  of reading to people of  all a_ _ _  from different walks of life.  L_ _ _  but not least, an annual Book Night would be an i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  festival to look forward to.

Cloze Passage-13  Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            December 3, 1984,  is  a day  everyone  in Bhopal,  in  southern  India, will  never  f_ _ _ _ _.

            It all started a_  the Union Carbide plant, which m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  pesticides.  At p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  1 a.m. a valve burst and p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  gases were released i_ _ _  the atmosphere.

            A cloud was f_ _ _ _ _  over the town.  Sirens went o_ _  to indicate the emergency but nobody k_ _ _  what to do.  The people of B_ _ _ _ _  began to panic.  Some tried to r_ _  away but of c_ _ _ _ _,  they were not s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  because the poisonous gases spread much f_ _ _ _ _  than they c_ _ _ _  run.

            At least 3 000 people died instantly.  A_ _ _ _ _ _  500 000  people suffered permanent after e_ _ _ _ _ _: blindness, disfigurement, a_ _ ill-health.

            Union Carbide, which also manufactures Ever Ready batteries, r_ _ _ _ _ _  to take the blame.  They c_ _ _ _ _ _  that it was sabotage and did not pay a_ _  compensation to the v_ _ _ _ _ _  of the terrible d_ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            The Indian government l_ _ _ _ _ _ _  a lawsuit against the c_ _ _ _ _ _.  This was done on behalf of the victims.





Thursday 27 May 2021

May 27, 2021

 7B Science Structure Jamboard

Warm up work

Sphere, radius = 6cm

Volume 902.06cm3

Surface area = 452.16cm2

Wednesday 26 May 2021

May 26, 2021

 History - Battle of Louisburg

Surface area of sphere

- find the standard size NBA basketball (radius and the price),  the soccer balls that are used in World Cup (radius and price), and Makasa volley (radius and price), find their surface area

- Find how much land area on Earth (hint: surface area of Earth, and then estimate % of land on the Earth surface)

Tuesday 25 May 2021

TDSB Physical literacy workout 4 and 5

May 25, 2021


- every weekend, please take a selfie or photo of yourself working out. People who do this every week will get at least 80% in PhE

- tomorrow, May 26, you will be given a cloze passage to complete online. Your passage will not be the same as your friend. This will determine how well you read, and will be reported.

- the cloze test will be conducted every week



Practice. Do passage 10 by yourself and work with someoneon 11 (harder)


Cloze Passage-10              Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Birds have always fascinated humans.  Bird watching first became a p_ _ _ _ _ _  hobby in the l_ _ _  nineteenth century.  People began to e_ _ _ _  listening to the sounds of birds and watching rare and unusual b_ _ _ _.

            If you go bird watching, it is a g_ _ _  idea to have a p_ _ _  of binoculars with you.  You can also take down n_ _ _ _  about the birds you see.

            Bird books are u_ _ _ _ _  because they will help you to i_ _ _ _ _ _ _  birds you don’t k_ _ _  when you see them.  You can also try to get r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  of birdsongs, which e_ _ _ _ _  you to appreciate the birds even m_ _ _.

            Some bird watchers take along a c_ _ _ _ _  to take photographs and others take along v_ _ _ _  recorders to film the birds in a_ _ _ _ _.

            Unfortunately, some p_ _ _ _ _  still kill birds for s_ _ _ _.  Bird lovers constantly  p_ _ _ _ _ _ when they see or hear of birds being k_ _ _ _ _  in this manner.  They feel that it is inhumane to simply kill birds for the sake of sport.


Cloze Passage-11  Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            The Japanese took only ten weeks to conquer Malaysia and Singapore during World War II.  Do you know why the Japanese had such an e_ _ _  victory?

            The British were t_ _ _ _ _ _  unprepared for the w_ _.  They had insufficient troops stationed in the a_ _ _.  The Japanese knew that they had more t_ _ _ _ _  in Singapore as compared to Malaysia, so they a_ _ _ _ _ _ _  from the north instead.

            Their first t_ _ _ _ _  was Kota Bharu.  When the British s_ _ _  two warships to the north, the J_ _ _ _ _ _ _  sank them and further w_ _ _ _ _ _ _  the British.

            The Japanese army was superior to the British a_ _ _.  Japanese soldiers were well-trained and experienced.  The British s_ _ _ _ _ _ _, on the other had, had no fighting e_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  The British army was also m_ _ _  smaller than the Japanese army.  The w_ _ _ _ _ _   that the Japanese used were modern c_ _ _ _ _ _ _  to the older ones of the B_ _ _ _ _ _.

            The British were more concerned about defending other bigger countries a_ _ _ _ _ _  the Japanese.  They were n_ _ _ _  going to allow Britain to fall into the hands of the Japanese.

            Thus, on February 15, 1942, the British s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  Malaysia and Singapore to the Japanese.

Friday 21 May 2021


 This weekend, please take a photo or selfie of your workout (walk, basketball, stretching etc) and email that to me to prove that you are participating in this program.

Your p may ask for it next week.

For those who did not do much on your speech, please

- look at the 4 links from me. Take 25 jot notes, either type or write them down
-then sen the list to me by Monday night, 9pm
MUST be from the links that I share

May 2021 Science Ecology Test

Thursday 20 May 2021

The science test tomorrow will be . . .

  an open book test!  You guys and gals are reasonably good in the last few days.

May 20, 2021

Science test tomorrow. Study

-Homework: design your own house with windows, doors, sun roof. Then send the 3D picture to a friend so they can calculate how much paint is needed to paint the house (not windows, doors, sun roof or the floor)

- make sure to include dimensions of the building, windows, doors, sun roof etc.


Math warm up work

Wednesday 19 May 2021

May 19, 2021

 - Youth vaccine appointment, starting from May 31

 -  Science test on Friday May 21. Study

- Math: volume and surface area of rectangular prisms

Answers: Volume 360cm3, Surface area = 314cm2

Volume 3600cm3, Surface area = 1440cm2

Volume 476000cm3, Surface area = 37720cm2

Volume 2400cm3, Surface area = 1120cm2

Volume 2240cm3, Surface area = 1228cm2

Volume 480cm3, Surface area = 392cm2




Cloze Passage-8                Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Emperor Nawab ruled the Northern part of India during ancient times.  Once he was challenged  by a  neighbouring ruler to f_ _ _  out the circumference of  the earth,  so he o_ _ _ _ _ _  a reward to anyone who knew of a m_ _ _ _ _  to perform the task.

            The emperor s_ _ _  his messengers  to proclaim this t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  the kingdom.  Many tried to t_ _ _ _  of a method so that they could r_ _ _ _ _ _  the reward by none were successful.

            Goal  was  a  twelve  y_ _ _  old  boy who  l_ _ _ _  with   his  parents  in  a small  v_ _ _ _ _ _.  One day, his parents were t_ _ _ _ _ _  about what they had heard from the m_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

            Goal came up with a b_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  idea , which he explained to his f_ _ _ _ _.  The next day, Goal and his father headed for the emperor’s p_ _ _ _ _.

            The emperor was d_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  when he say them b_ _ _ _ _ _  he wanted to win the challenge of the neighbouring r_ _ _ _, Emperor Wahab.

            When the emperor asked them to s_ _ _ _, Goal said, “Your majesty, give me eight carts filled with thread.”

            The emperor agreed.  The next day, t_ _ _  set out for Emperor Wahab’s palace.  When they a_ _ _ _ _ _, they asked to see the emperor..

            Goal said, “The circumference of the e_ _ _ _  is equivalent to the length of  all the t_ _ _ _ _  in those bullock carts.  You can measure it again if you have any d_ _ _ _ _.”

            The emperor was s_ _ _ _ _ _  and knew he had to admit d_ _ _ _ _.  He immediately  sent   his  messengers  to  c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   Emperor  Nawab on  his  v_ _ _ _ _ _.

            Goal and his father received a l_ _ _ _  sum of money from Emperor Nawab.  They never had to live in poverty again.

Cloze Passage-9    Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

            Earth is make up of various types of places, ranging from the hottest deserts to the coldest polar regions.  Hot deserts, which occupy almost one-fifth of the l_ _ _  area of the world, have h_ _ _  temperatures and very l_ _ _ _ _  rainfall.

            They are extremely hot the w_ _ _ _  year and several years may p_ _ _  without any rainfall.  After this d_ _  period, there may be a s_ _ _ _ _  thunderstorm.  Seeds will germinate and g_ _ _.  After some time, t_ _ _ _  plants flower.

            The world’s l_ _ _ _ _ _  desert is the Sahara  in North Africa.  Some d_ _ _ _ _ _,  like those in the Middle East, are r_ _ _  in oil and other n_ _ _ _ _ _  resources.

            The  polar  r_ _ _ _ _ _   are  the  coldest  places  on   e_ _ _ _.   Some  parts  are  c_ _ _ _ _ _  with ice the whole year.  The l_ _ _ _ _  temperature that has been recorded was in the South Pole.

            Nobody l_ _ _ _  in the South Pole permanently but some scientists stay in heated homes on a t_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  basis while they conduct r_ _ _ _ _ _ _.  Polar bears, seals, and walruses are some the a_ _ _ _ _ _  found in these cold regions.

            The tundra, which is slightly north is less cold.  The snow m_ _ _ _  in summer, when the temperature r_ _ _ _ .  Here, Eskimos live in i_ _ _ __ and hunt small animals for their daily m_ _ _ _.  Migrating reindeer and other animals like penguins can be found in the tundra.


Tuesday 18 May 2021

May 18, 2021

 - take a look at the links I send you about your speech topic. If you need more ideas, let me know tomorrow and I will find more links 

 - Science test (ecology) on Friday. The questions are from class notes, as well as the information in textbook (Unit B, Chapter 4 to 6)

- plot up the following non-linear curve lines and find the Y-intercepts




Please identify the Y- intercepts for the following non-linear curve lines

Line 10











–2                            4

–3                            9

Line 11











–2                            7



Cloze Passage-6    Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

Quicksand is a mass of extremely fine sand filled with water.  This s_ _ _  cannot support any weight because it contains a large a_ _ _ _ _  of water. The water cannot be drained a_ _ _  because there is a layer of a certain clay-like substance under the s_ _ _ .   This water forces the g_ _ _ _ _  of sand to separate.

            When an object is thrown into q_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,  it will s_ _ _ _  to sink.  Similarly, if a person steps into quicksand, it f_ _ _ _  as though the person has stepped into a puddle of w_ _ _ _.  Quicksand does not really pull a person d_ _ _, it only seems to be doing so.

            If a person is c_ _ _ _ _  in some quicksand, he should act as t_ _ _ _ _  he is in water.  The most important thing to d_  is keep calm.  Struggling and moving frantically w_ _ _  you are in quicksand will only c_ _ _ _  you to sink into it much f_ _ _ _ _.

            The p_ _ _ _ _  should lie on his back with the arms and l_ _ _  outstretched.

            It is easier to r_ _ _ _ _  a person who is floating on quicksand.  He can be rescued by p_ _ _ _ _ _  a flat object on t_ _   of the quicksand.  Once this is done, the rescuers can carefully pull the person to s_ _ _ _ _.

Cloze Passage-7    Fill in the appropriate word for each space given.

Robots perform many tasks in this modern w_ _ _ _.   They help to make cars, fly p_ _ _ _ _, prepare salaries, and balance accounts.

            A_ _ _ _ _ _ _  they can do many things that h_ _ _ _ _  can, they do not look exactly like us.  They are b_ _ _ _ in whatever shape that is s_ _ _ _ _ _ _  for them to carry out their t_ _ _ _.  For example, some robots are g_ _ _ _ an arm if they are used to a_ _ _ _ _ _ _  cars or weld objects.

            All robots are installed with a c_ _ _ _ _ _ _.  This computer has a memory to understand and remember i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.  This is an i_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  prerequisite for it to p_ _ _ _ _ _  its tasks.

            There are m_ _ _  advantages in using r_ _ _ _ _.  Firstly, they can work continuously for long  stretches of t_ _ _  because they don’t suffer f_ _ _  exhaustion.

            S_ _ _ _ _ _ _,  they can work under harsh c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ such as environments which are dangerous or v_ _ _  noisy.  Lastly, it costs l_ _ _ to use robots in some industries than to e_ _ _ _ _  human workers.

            H_ _ _ _ _ _,  it is not possible to use robots in the home y_ _.  It is too expensive to m_ _ _ _ _ _ _  a robot for personal u_ _.  Of course, even this may change in the years to come.