Thursday 8 April 2021

April 8, 2021


- Financial literacy test tomorrow. Study

- Between now and Sunday, go out for walks with parents, take 10 photos of natural things (biotic or abiotic). We need them for the year book to show the school all the beautiful things in the community

- April break next week. No school

- keep your ears open for the re-opening news





-       say the speech by yourself

-       oral presentation in front of a group of people

-       things that you should pay attention to.

-       1) Tone: speak loudly if something should be stressed or softer voice if you want to low key another issue

-       2) Pace: how fast or slow you are presenting. Should not use the same pace during the monologue. Excited – faster pace, disappointed/sad – slower

-       3) Expressions: high pitch – asking a question or really enthusiastic about something

-       low pitch: heavy duty, serious topics


Ratatouille: slow pace, he enjoys the food

expressions: really enthusiastic, happy and joyful

Tone: relaxed, softer voice


Tangled: fast pace, she is excited

expressions: hyper, excited – high pitch to show her happiness

pace: fast pace, enthusiastic


1. Calculate the interest per year for the following

            $758.32 at 1.75% over 2 years, Ans: $6.63


2. Bank of Kwok charges $0.50 per TAP, $1.25 per cheque, $1.75 per e-transfer and $3.00 per ATM use.


Layla the birthday girl buys a tea everyday in May. She TAPS when she pays.

Layla writes five cheques, and she uses the ATM 3 times.


Calculate her service fee for the month of May.

 Total $30.75


3. How will a high Canadian dollar affects the imported goods into Canada.

e.g Oranges from Florida

High C$ = cheaper goods for Canadian consumers



4. Credit card and compound interest. Use Google Sheet

From April 1 to April 15, $1250 at 2.5%.

Calculate the total on April 15

Total on April 15 = $1810.37

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