Monday 19 April 2021

April 19, 2021


Broken Blade, Chapter 4. 5 new words, meaning and compose own sentences with those words. Each senetence should be at least 7 words long


Reciting (p. 35). Repeat of words or phrases from memory

Mr. Kwok forces us to recite O Canada every morning before the announcement. 



For the Yearbook, do TWO designs from about HOPE and Spring




(+11) + 27 – 15 + 38 + 9 – (–5) + 13 + (–2)


=(+11) + 27 – 15 + 38 + 9 +5 + 13 - 2


ans: +86



(+18) + 31 – (–17) + 12 + 9 – 13 + 15 + (–5)

ans: +84 

(+34) + (–27) – 19 + 8 + 12 – (–11) + 13 + (–6)


ans: 26


22  – (–33) + 41 + 9 – 7 + (–18) + 10

ans: 90


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