Monday 8 March 2021

March 8, 2021

 Read early life and Asian trip

- History test tomorrow, today lesson and Marco Polo information


Middle Ages (1200AD to about 1600AD)

- the Catholic Church had most of the power. Even the kings and queens must bow to them

- Pope – head of the church

- during this time, 99% of the population is illiterate (most were hunters, fishers, farmers)

- at that time, many believed the Earth is flat and all the moons and planets orbit around the Earth

- until Italian scientist, Galileo (invented the first telescope) – and proposed that the Earth is a sphere

- the Earth and other planets orbit around the Sun (the church is wrong)

- Galileo was locked in prison so he could not spread his discoveries

- eventually, some Persian merchants went to Iraq (Baghdad) and traded with the European merchants

- at that time in Europe, most were Roman Catholics, and they had to eat fish every Friday

- simply cooking fish did not taste very good

- they brought back herbs and spices to Europe (pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, saffron, curry, mustard seeds)

- Ohhh, we did not grow them here in Iraq. We traded with the Indian and Chinese from the east

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