Wednesday 10 March 2021

March 10, 2021


- complete tessellation tonight in Draw. Send me the file

- Transformation geometry test on Friday. Bring mira, Post it note, ruler and study

- start doing research on one of these man-made wonders. Pick one and will work on Writing on Demand next week

The shadow of a tree covers a swimming pool every evening. At 6pm, the length of the shadow is 8.75m and the distance from the top of the tree to the edge of the shadow is 12.1m, find the height of the tree.



On Monday, 7B saw one ant in the classroom. On Tuesday, they found two ants and the number of ants doubled every day after lunch.


If this pattern continues, calculate how many ants will be discovered by June 30.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. A2+8.75*8.75=12.1*12.1= A2+76.5625=146.41, 146.41-76.5625= 69.8475, The square root of 69.8475=8.35, answer is 8.35

  3. This equation of geometric theorum can solve it 1*(2)^114
