Wednesday 31 March 2021

Financial Goal 1

 Financial Goals

It is important that adults and teens set financial goals for the future. For you without a job, it will be saving enough money from part time jobs (mowing lawn, shovelling snow, walking neighbour dogs) or your allowance.

If you have not received an allowance from your parents yet, it is time to ask. Tell them Kwok says that you are old enough to develop some financial responsibility, and the best way to start is to have an allowance. Mini Kwok receives $5 per week.

It does not mean you have to spend every penny from the allowance. The rule of thumb for my son is to “Spend half, Save half”. Parents should not interfere on how you spend your allowance since it is your money. For example, Mini Kwok spends some of his allowance on Robux, and save the rest.


“Spend half, Save half”. Don’t buy junk food after school on your way home. It is a waste of money.  You will have snack to eat when you get home.

What are your financial goals? The most important one will be the university or college tuition fee that is needed in four years.


Try to find the following information from the York University website: (4 years to get a degree)


York University 


Domestic students (Can. Citizens or landed immigrants)

International Students


Tuition for the program of your choice




Textbooks and supplies (get the average)




Residence, 8 months





Meal Plans (get the average)




Or if you choose to live off campus




Personal expenses (average for on campus and off campus)




Health and dental care




Total (each year)




March 31, 2021

 - cold tomorrow. Will snow in the morning. Wear your winter jacket

- finish the letter about yourself. Expectations are listed below. Email me the copy tonight

April 1, 2021 

Dear Ms. Robertson’s class,


Thanks for sending a letter to our class. We read Douglas’ letter and enjoy it.


- It statement

- start with conjunctions,


- On the contrary,


- one paragraph

- introduce yourself/partner, your hobbies, interest and what have been done during the pandemic (school/ home)

- limit # of personal pronouns to only 5

- min 5 conjunctions, min 5 adverbs and 8 adjectives


Monday 29 March 2021

March 30, 2021

 Your homework tonight, find 50 items from your home and determine where is it manufactured.


Kwok's wine            France

Kwok's glasses        Italy

iPad                        China

Leather jacket        USA

Toyota                    USA

Nike                        China

Tomato sauce        Canada

Canadian Top exports

Canadian Top imports (scroll to the bottom to see the list)

Top imports from Mexico

Top imports from USA

March 29, 2021

 Health test: Legal and illegal drugs

Homework tonight

1)    When was the last time when C$100 = US $100 (at par)

2)    What are the five most important imports we buy from USA (in mil dollars). How much do we buy from the USA?

3)    What are the five most important imports we buy from Mexico (in mil dollars). How much do we buy from the Mexico?


4)    Name the top 5 products that we export to the USA. (what do we sell to the USA)

Friday 26 March 2021

March 26, 2021


- study for drug test on Monday

- Writing on Demand on Tuesday: Video Game character

- Math: Exchange Rate assignment

Exchange Rates

If you plan to take a vacation outside Canada, it is necessary to exchange Canadian dollar (C$) into the local currency after your arrival in the destination. 


Use this website and find the name of the local currency, an determine how much local currency you can get from C$100

Note: the currency rate fluctuates constantly

If the exchange number is more than 100, then C$ is worth more

If the exchange number is less than 100, then C$ is worth less



Name of currency

How much for C$100

Is this worth more or less than C$









United Kingdom




















South Korea
































South Africa













How will exchange rates affect us when we don’t travel? (goods, freight)

-       Most of the goods, including grocery, electronics, clothing, shoes, furniture, are manufactured outside Canada

-       Most of the items in your house are from China

-       How will the change in exchange rate affect the price of food? Electronics? Shoes?


Kwok’s note: 

-       We bought a lot of agriculture products from the US and Mexico

-       When C$ is cheap (lower exchange rate against USD and Peso), the agriculture products (fruits and vegetables, meat) will be more expensive for everyone in Canada because it costs more to buy them from USA and Mexico

Thursday 25 March 2021

March 25, 2021

- study for drug test on Monday

- finish Pay Day Loan sheet below

- Talk to parents not to get Pay Day Loans and don't tell anyone their birthday and SIN number

- memorize your SIN number

 7B Payday Loans

The worst of them all for interest charges: Pay Day Loans (Money Marts, 24cash, Loadridge)

-       Google “Ontario pay day loans” and you will get a list of companies that offer this service

-       - use the table below and find the missing information for four of these companies

Name of company

Money Mart

Cash Money



How much can you borrow?



$1500 max



How long is the online application process? (mins)



A few minutes



Can you apply if you don’t have a job?






Can you apply if you have bad credit history?






How much interest do they charge? (%)





Kwok’s note: Very important

- the bank, credit card companies, the governments always use two of your ID to identify you

- Your birthday and your Social Insurance Number (SIN)

- NEVER share this information online or tell others about your SIN number on the phone

- if you share your birthday and SIN with a stranger, s/he can apply for loans, credit cards and everything else. He will be YOU


Wednesday 24 March 2021

March 24, 2021


Health test about illegal drugs on Monday, March 29. Google Form, Open Book

Compose six sentences with different verbs and you will be asked to share them with the class tomorrow. Each sentence must have at least 8 words.


torched. The man torched all his counterfeit money into a fire place to destroy the evidence.

advanced: The wizard advanced quickly to the next level after casting a deadly spell to the monsters

captured: The police captured the runaway serial killer far away from the city

strategized: Mini Kwok strategized his way of winning the chess match against big blue.

fantaized: Many students fantasized the idea of making it all the way to the NBA without hardwork

General Common Effects of Dissociative Drugs
Low to Moderate DosesHigh Doses
  • Numbness
  • Disorientation, confusion, and loss of coordination
  • Dizziness, nausea, vomiting
  • Changes in sensory perceptions (such as sight, sound, shapes, time, and body image)
  • Hallucinations
  • Feelings of detachment from self and environment
  • Increase in blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and body temperature
  • Hallucinations
  • Memory loss
  • Physical distress, including dangerous changes in blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and body temperature
  • Marked psychological distress, including feelings of extreme panic, fear, anxiety, paranoia, invulnerability, exaggerated strength, and aggression
  • Use with high doses of alcohol or other central nervous system depressants can lead to respiratory distress or arrest, resulting in death
MDMA: Ecstasy
  • mood
  • energy/activity and the reward system
  • appetite
  • aggression
  • sleep
  • sensitivity to pain
  • heart rate, blood pressure.