Monday 1 February 2021

Writing on Demand 3, edit

 Take a look at these examples


Although it is important to stay busy doing a task such as homework, and chores, it is also significant for yourself to spend time alone to just relax. When people are too busy living repetitive lives in reality with tight mindsets, sometimes “escaping” reality by relaxing is just what you need. Staying productive is an essential part of living but overworking can develop more stress, anxiety and depression. Now, you might be asking yourself, what are some ways to relax and cope with anxious feelings? Many people have different ways of coping such as, going out for a walk, listening to music, meditating or taking a warm bubble bath. For many people, music is a source of pleasure and happiness, and the gentle melodies help to relax thoughts and feelings in your mind. In fact, another way to calm down is to take warm bubble baths! Warms baths benefit by relaxing muscles, and people usually drop in a bath bomb with scents that are scientifically proven to chill the mind. Specifically in this time, most feel trapped and anxious, and it is important to find your ways to cope with those feelings. Share your many thoughts and feelings with others, what are some of your ways to cope?   



Why is it important for people to find time to relax and meditate? During this pandemic, people start to feel a lot of stress and anxiety as they are forced to stay home. Sadly, people get depressed by staying home all day which affects laziness and anxiety. In my opinion, in order to stay well and healthy, it is important to have some time to relax every day. Daily in the morning, students can stretch and meditate before going to virtual classes. This is very necessary since kids wake up early and can be very exhausted. In addition, meditating and relaxing helps when students are under lots of stress, with that being said both methods are good for reducing stress. Occasionally, some people like staying home, it is entirely up to people to either stay healthy or be depressed all the time. Although some kids can get very addicted to video games, finding some time to chill and settle down isn't wrong, in fact, using the time to exercise improves mental health by reducing anxiety, depression, and negative mood. Frequently, when kids workout and exercise, this way kids will feel good about themselves and be more confident. Yet, studies show that exercising improves mood, boosts energy, reduces stress, and even if people are on a road to lose weight, exercising is the right choice to make. Lastly, there are lots of ways which include working out, exercising, and reducing stress. For example,  going out for a walk, doing yoga, stretching every day, and doing HIIT. Therefore it is necessary to find time to relax, meditate, and especially exercise.


If you had six hour of free time what would you do?


First off a lot of things can be done in a six hour period of time, for me that can be entertainment such as youtube,video games,playing with friends and many other things.

But, in six hour I won't spend all my time on my phone or play video games on my console,

I like to divide my six hour into smaller time periods such as two 2 hour periods and two 1 hour periods. Considering that there is school I will at least take one hours of time to do my homework, another hour of time to play video games with friends and one  more hour to hang out with family and help around the house, with all of that there will be three hours remaining

I will go and play video games, watch youtube, social media and probably chat with friends.

That will take up about two hour and there will be one hour remaining. In that one hour many productive things can be done such as working out,washing dishes, doing laundry and that's most likely what I will be doing.

So in conclusion in six hours of time many things can be done and that is how i would spend my time.



Have you ever been so stressed and can’t think of anything else? Well, there are many different ways to cope with this, one way is to just relax. Relaxing can really help with emotion as well as slowing your heart rate. It is important to find time to keep calm and relax, this is because when people are stressed and don’t do anything about it, it can lead to many problems. Even though most people think that playing video games or something very active is not relaxing, it all depends on the person. For example, several people think doing art, or writing something, can be relaxing, meanwhile, others can think of it as frustrating.  Here are some ways anyone can relax and things I use, Having a nice warm bath can not only be soothing it can also be a good way to clean off. Drinking some tea can feel very warm also it can feel cozy as well as being healthy. Watching a nice movie with family can be soothing not only is it that that person is with their family, but it is also that watching a movie can take a mind off stress. When talking to anyone that the person is close to can help, not only sharing things can cope but the person can also go through it with you.  These are some reasons why everybody should take some time off to relax.

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