Wednesday 6 January 2021

January 6, 2021 

 Draw 3


- develop one question related to perimeter of polygons

- have one or two missing length, find them with information given

- determine perimeter of polygon

- get a price for the fence (e.g. $55.55 every 3m). Determine the cost to build the fence around the polygon

- share work with a friend and let them calculate the answers 9n Step 1 (missing lengths, Step 2: perimeter and Step 3: total cost)

- mark their work out of 4

French homework - due Friday Jan 8, 2021

- complete the comic stripes and cartoon, finish the endings

- 12 to 15 sentences, translate and complete

- practice reading the story

Music homework due Friday Jan 8, 2021

- listen to a song and write down all the different things that go on in that song

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