Monday 21 December 2020

Ho ho ho, Oh, Oh Oh

 December 21, 2020

- be prepared to attend virtual classes from Jan 4 to 8. May be even longer. . .

Meanwhile, schools in southern Ontario will switch to remote-only learning for a period of time after the holiday break. Elementary schools will be closed until Jan. 11 and secondary schools will be closed until Jan. 25. Childcare centres will remain open for the duration of the lockdown period, however they will be prohibited from serving school-aged children for the period of time in which elementary schools are operating virtually (Jan. 4 to Jan. 8).

Chief Medical Officer of Health. Dr. David Williams has also updated his advice to Ontarians and is now urging anyone returning to the province from elsewhere in Canada during the shutdown period to self-isolate for a period of 14 days.

“This difficult action is without a doubt necessary to save lives and prevent our hospitals from being overwhelmed in the coming weeks,” Premier Doug Ford said in making the announcement. “Make no mistake thousands of lives are at stake right now. If we fail to take action now the consequences could be catastrophic and as premier it is my duty to act.”

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