Tuesday 1 December 2020

December 1, 2020


- sign math test

- complete the other side of the Raymond questions

Writing on demand

Use adverbs to describe actions, and adjectives to describe nouns. Most importantly, use conjunctions to explain


Five food groups: (Canada Food Guides)

  1. carbohydrate (e.g. rice, pasta, noodles, bread). Give you energy
  2. Protein (e.g. meat, eggs, beans, Tufo), Build muscle
  3. Milk/ dairy products (e.g. milk, cheese, ice cream, yogurt). Calcium, strong bones
  4. Fruits and Vegetables (e.g. vitamins, and minerals). Digestions, nutrient, immune system
  5. Junk food (e.g. chips, cookies, chocolate, candy, pop). No real nutritious value. Comfort food


  • Topic: Making healthy food choices is important to students (150 to 200 words)


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