Monday 30 November 2020

November 30, 2020

 7B Homonyms (copy and paste to own Doc. There are more than 35 homonyms mistakes)

Homonyms – edit this story. Correct homonyms only                                                Name:


Won day, I went too the mall.  My mom alouded me to bye a T shirt because there was a sail.  I bought by deer mother a gift and I bought one for me two. Their were very nice gifts and I wanted to bring them hear.  I new where the knew department stores were. It was so cold that my hare froze after spending 20 minutes outside.


At lunch time, I was hungry.  So I eight a hot dog and some flies for lunch.  My deer mom tried to play the cashier with her VISA card, but they would not except it.  We had to play cash.  Then we entered a draw.  We put hour names into a big steal box so we could wind a gigantic teddy bare!


They’re were so many people in the moore on Saturday.  Nancy and I walked around for three ours and we saw our school principle.  We bought a few gifts and we rapped them with colourful paper.  In two weaks time, we would be able to sea hour Christmas presents.  I think my dad will give my mom some flours since she really likes roses.  My class will right to Santa Clause and tell him when he should bee in hour house on Christmas Eve.  We should also remind Santa to bring all his dears to hour house.    Their will bee cookies and treats for everyone in hour house.


I am sure we will have a lot of fund during the holidays.  My cousins will take us to a fare in chili Quebec and we will get some blew balloons that the locals cell.  


Homonyms Exercise


This _________ truck ran over my big  _________ last night. (toe, tow)


I am trying to get a  _________ from this bank to help my  _________ly  brother. (lone, loan)


 _________ of the following statements are true? (witch, which)


Susan had not received any  _________ in the last three weeks. (male, mail)


Last  _________, the  _________ with his heavy armour rushed through the door and rescued the princess. (knight, night)


I am going to take the  _________ when I go up to the CN tower. (stare, stair)


This old man is really  _________ because he has a flu. (weak, week)


 _________ going to see the white tigers in the zoo. (There, their, they’re)


Frank is trying to cut this _________ of paper in half. (peace, piece)


I am trying  _________ go  _________ my grandparent’s house by  _________ o’clock (too, two, to)


The wind  _________ down this gigantic tree last night. (blew, blue)


 _________ evening, Sam went to the CNE and  _________  a toy car. (won, one)


“Don’t walk on the grass with your  _________ foot!  Someone just saw a snake in the grass.” (bear, bare)


Taking things away from someone without permission is the same as  _________ ing (steel, steal)


__________ going to have __________house renovated and _________ will be plenty of storage space after the job is done. (there, their, they’re)


The _________  stares at the dog that has long ________ (hair, hare)


The stranger walked up the ________  __________ing at the poor dog. (stare, stairs)


“It is not _________ to pay that much for the TTC _________!”  Farah exclaimed! (fair, fare).  She only _________ed $6 an hour and she had to buy an _______ for her teacher  (urn, earn).  In addition, Farah had to prepare a ________ dinner for all her _________cular friends tonight. (muscle, mussel) 




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