Thursday 22 October 2020

October 22, 2020


- please upload Scary story to by Friday October 23

- math: cross multiplication, both sides

- follow the instructions below, try to complete a combo graph with the Toronto data


Climate outside Canada


1)  Tropical: hot and humid all year

2)  Desert: nothing to do with temperature (can be very hot/cold)

-      The area has less than 25cm of precipitation all year (very dry)

-      E.g. Saudi Arabia (sandy, hot/dry), Antarctica (South Pole, cold/dry)


3)  Mediterranean Climate: rare, not too many places have this kind of weather

Many European countries, France (wine), Italy, Spain; California

-      Ideal for growing fruits and vegetables

-      Summer: warm and dry (great for harvesting)

-      Winter: cool (>10°C) and damp (wet, not a lot of rain, no snow): ground not frozen, seeds grow well with moisture

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