Monday 8 June 2020

Please sign up when you will clear out your locker

On Friday June 19, 2020, you will have a chance to clear out the locker and take everything home.

I will be there to supervise from 9am till noon. No more than 3 people can access the lower hallway to their lockers.  Please sign up when you will be there so the school will not be too congested at any one time slot.

All students (and parents) must wear masks to go into the school.  If possible, bring your own mask.

NO ONE WILL BE ADMITTED TO THE SCHOOL IF YOU HAVE SYMPTOMS OF COVID OR FLU.  This includes coughing, sneezing, fever, shortness of breath, nausea, etc.

Only one person from each family can enter the school.  You will have 15 mins to clear out your materials.  Please bring a big bag.

Your parents can wait for you in a UHaul in the parking lot, and not the circular driveway.

I have most of your locker combinations in case you forget.  For whatever reason if the locker cannot open, the janitor will have to cut the lock.

If there are three people in the hallway outside 109, you need to lineup outside the school.

Next week, I will call home and remind your parents.

Sign up form is here:

Stay safe, be healthy.
