Wednesday 3 June 2020

French 10

Bonjour 7C,

For those of you who haven't completed your "Voyage Virtuel" assignments yet, here is a little inspiration. Below are two links of virtual tours. The first is of Paris. Listen carefully and you will catch some adjectives such as "dynamique" and "beau". You will also hear the speaker use futur proche sentences; "Nous allons voir..." and "Nous allons commencer...". Another verb that you will hear is "explorer"; "Nous explorons". These are a few things that can help you in your writing as they are some of the requirements.

The second video is a guided tour of Quebec City, also in French but with English subtitles to help you understand. Hopefully you can get some more ideas from this, or search for a virtual tour of your destination to collect more information. Don't forget, this assignment is due THIS FRIDAY June 5!

Here are the links:

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