Wednesday 17 June 2020

Almost back to normal. . .

Ontario is almost back to normal to overcome Covid-19.

Today, you will write 12 sentences with adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions to state the top twelve things you want to do during Phase 2 of reopening.

- use your online thesaurus to find better words.  Most of you will be in grade 8 and please don't write like a grade 3

Rich Man Hill will be in phase 2 this Friday,  Toronto should be ready in another week (around June 26).

Kwok's wishes:

1) After supervising the obedient students from 7C, I will go to a nearby barber shop immediately to have a speedy brush cut so I can be human again.

(Conjunction: After, so; Adjectives: obedient, speedy, nearby; Adverb: immediately)

2) There is nothing better than having a delicious Italian dinner in a restaurant patio in a hot summer afternoon, while the sun still sparkles brightly into the far away horizon before settling into the night.

(Conjunction: while; Adjectives: delicious, Italian, restaurant, far away; Adverb: brightly)
 - notice "Restaurant" is an adjective to describe the patio

3) Eventually, we can venture south and wander leisurely in Centre Island and catch the refreshing breeze while having a triple Ben and Jerry ice-cream cone with tones of nutty cherries (sorry Cedar)

(Conjunction: while; Adjectives: triple, refreshing, nutty; Adverb: Eventually)

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