Monday 11 May 2020

French Assignment# 6

Bonjour tout le monde! Since we have not been in our classroom for a while and you do not have access to our cozy "Coin de Lecture", I am creating a virtual one that you can access anytime through the link below. Just like in our classroom, you are encouraged to read a French book once you have completed your work. The books cover various topics and reading levels. Try reading one every week after you have completed your assignment. The pictures will aid your comprehension and there is an audio option as well so you can have the book read to you! This is optional but I strongly recommend you read 1 book ( or more) once a week to help you keep up with vocabulary and pronunciation. If there are any books that you enjoyed reading, would like to recommend to others, or that helped you learn some new words, I'd love to hear about it so please share with me.

Bonne Lecture! HAPPY READING!


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