Wednesday 6 May 2020

7C French 5

- I am going to McDonalds and get some French 5

Bonjour 7C,

This week's assignment is a review of the last two week's work, focusing mostly on descriptive adjectives but also, a small section to review les adjectifs démonstratifs (ce, cet, cette, ces) as well. If you have not yet completed last week's assignment (which should be completed by now), make sure you do so immediately in order to be able to complete this next task.

You may find it helpful to look back at the previous assignments and explanations I have given you to complete this work. There are 4 sections to complete. Please read all instructions carefully and do your best to complete it. It is Due next Tues May 12.

As always, please let me know if you have any questions.


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