Tuesday 28 April 2020

7C Speech, first paragraph

- Pick a topic with at least 25 points/ideas
- only write the first paragraph to introduce the speech and topic
- make it interesting by asking a questions or bring up a point that the audience has to think about
(Have you considered if all students must go back to school during the pandemic?  What will happen if only a few kids start spreading the virus all over one school?)
(or, Why should a drug like marijuana be legalized when thousands are addicted to his deadly narcotics and millions of law-a-bidding citizens will have to suffer?]

- the first paragraph should be about 20 second long when you present it

- listen to this speech about oil spills presented by one of the students that I tutor: click on the link
(She knew nothing about oil spills but her teacher assigned the topic.  Not a smart way to choose a topic]

- your speech must be 3 to 5 mins long

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