Wednesday 29 April 2020

7C My roll of toilet paper

- well, my favourite student questions me why it is necessary to brainstorm 25 points for a given topic, instead of writing the speech from the beginning
- OK, if you are able to write a good speech (3 to 5 mins long) without going around circle, feel free to write your speech about World Peace.

- Meanwhile, I am teaching you how to compose one, step-by-step approach

- Pick one of the following items
(a) an eraser
(b) a computer mouse
(c) a spoon
(d) a dinner plate

Compose  30 second introduction about this very normal, everyday item to make it interesting (grab audience attention)

For instance:
It is so odd that the toilet paper shelves are empty in Costco, as people fight, grab, struggle to get their hands on a package of their favoutrite Charmine.  What does toilet paper have to do with the Covid pandemic, and why do we have to stock up on these porous, absorbent tissue?  Does home stay or quarantine drive people crazy and all they do is to eat and eat more each day?  Think about it logically, we will have to use the bathroom more often if we eat more. When the joint is used more frequently, more toilet paper will be needed to clean ourselves unless we grow a banana tree in the backyard!

- notice this introduction: I am asking questions to make people think
- make it humerous so they want to pay attention and continue to listen to the rest of my speech
- turn something very normal into an interesting topic

And that's why you have to do today! An eraser, a computer mouse, a dinner plate or a spoon

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