Sunday 5 April 2020

7C Music assignment

7C, from Wang and Hugh Tomsic

April 6th, 2020

Dear Music Students,

Your Music teachers are very happy to connect with you all again and as we go through this new journey of learning, we hope to tap into the many wonderful ways to engage in music using technology. This is new for all of us, so please be patient as we navigate through some of the "tech" glitches that may occur from time to time. We will be available for feedback and guidance should you need clarification. Please refer to the Google music site as well for updates and teacher messages.  There also further resources available to develop your musical skills.  The Google site link is:

For our first activity, we will bring the Science Centre to you to explore music and sound through various hands on experiments. Here is the link:
Your task is to explore the various stations and take time to go through each one at your own pace. At the end of your exploration, write a paragraph or more about which station engaged you the most and why. Email us with your completed work so we can record task completion.  Have fun exploring and feel free to share or collaborate with family members at home!

This task is due Tuesday, April 14th. Stay "tuned" (pun intended) for your upcoming tasks.

Mrs. Hugh-Tomsic -
Mr. Wang-

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