Tuesday 10 March 2020

Read your history textbook, page 14 to 17.  You can find all the answers there.

Create your own Google doc., and type the answers to this document.  We wil check them tomorrow.

1. The Vikings started their voyage from __________ to ____________ before reaching Newfoundland

2. Name the five European countries that came to the east coast during the middle ages

3. The age of exploration of North America started in __________ and ended in _________

4. ____________ and ____________ were the first two European countries to seek a west water route (across the __________ Ocean) to go to the far east

5. During the 1500s and the 1600s, many European countries wanted to be ____________ and ____________

6. Mercantilism is a economic theory that calls a country to accumulate wealth in ____________ and ____________

7. When European nations settled in the New World, this was called ____________

8. They encouraged overseas explorations for trade and ____________ among the First People

9. When a country or company believed that it has all the rights to control all the trade in an area, it is called ____________

10. The European control also extended beyond the land and its resources (gold, silver, fur etc) to its ____________

11. After arrival, the explorers would plant a huge ____________ and a ____________ of their home country into the earth of the land being claimed.  “Everything is mine. Bow to my king, worship my Gods, learn my language and culture, and give me your land and all your money.”

12. Cartier claimed the land for the French King in ____________

13. What is colonization?

14. The new settlers were expected to find the inexpensive raw materials and shipped to ____________ to be manufactured into goods

15. The French and English were impressed with the wealth that the  ____________ gained from their colonies in Central and South America.  Then the French and English started to colonize ____________

16. The first prosperous product in North America was ____________

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