Thursday 9 January 2020

January 9, 2020

- finish school uniform PEE essay.  Please do not repeat the same points as what has been written in the second paragraph.
- Some of you will read your essay to the class tomorrow
- use conjunctions to explain, give examples and ask a question or two in the essay
Therefore, base on the above reasons, school uniforms must be worn by all CV students.  This reduces the time needed to pick up an outfit each morning, as well as preventing over-exposure of body parts in front of other fellow students inside the school.  Thus, school uniforms must be  a mandatory requirement for everyone

- math: playing cards questions

1. How many cards are there in a deck?
2. How many red cards are there in a deck? How many black cards are there in a deck?
3. There are 4 suits in a deck.  Name them
4. How many Aces are there?
5. What is the probability of getting a "Jack" from the deck?
6. What is the probability of getting a red "Queen" from the deck?
7. What is the probability of getting a black diamond card from the deck?
8. What is the probability of getting a "King" from the deck?
9. What is the probability of getting a red "Spade" from the deck?
5. Calculate the probability of getting the following combinations:
a. King - Ace
b. 10 - 10
c. 6 - 6- 6
d. Ace - King - Queen

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