Tuesday 31 December 2019

Friday 20 December 2019


Eat, Rest, Spend time with family, Play Games, Read your novel and  have a fun two weeks.

Thanks to those who give me gifts and Starbucks gift cards.  Greatly appreciated.

All of you are amazingly wonderful!

All the Best!

Keep Kwoking

Thursday 19 December 2019

December 19, 2019

- please return Phantom Tollbooth the novel tomorrow
- book report due tomorrow
- all clothing items, esp gym uniform, must be taken home over Christmas holiday.  They should be washed before bringing them back to school in January

- continue to browse for a Red Maple nominee for the next book report.  You should either borrow or buy one over the holidays and start reading

2020 Nominees

2019 Nominees

Wednesday 18 December 2019

December 18, 2019


- Pizza Lunch tomorrow.  Bring your own drink and you will eat in the fifth period (around noon)

- It will be very cold tonight and tomorrow (-15°C at night; -8°C during the day).  Dress warmly

- Probability homework: experiments, roll the dice. . . and we have a winner (calculate the experimental results from tally)

2020 Red Maple Nominees

If you want to learn about money and investments, try

Learn to Earn by Peter Lynch


Tuesday 17 December 2019

2018/2019 Red Maple Nominees

- during the holidays, find a book from the 2018 or 2019 Red Maple Nominee and start reading it.  This will be your next book report



December 17, 2019


- Pizza lunch on Thursday.  Bring drinks

With Word or Doc, draw the nets of the dice listed below.  Make sure you put the dots in the right place
- make colourful dots if you want
- rounded corners of the squares make them look better

Monday 16 December 2019

December 16, 2019

7C Read and watch Canadian junk returns home




Math: do the spinner questions

Book report due this Friday December 20

Friday 13 December 2019

December 13, 2019

- book report deadline has been extended to Friday December 20.

- math: probability math sheet, the basics

- sign Math test, redo questions you did wrong

- Next Thursday, December 19, Pizza lunch.  Bring own drink please

- during the Xmas holiday, try to cook at least one pasta dinner for family following Kwok's cookbook [separate solutes from solvent].  PLEASE DON'T LEAVE KITCHEN WHEN YOU ARE COOKING

Book Report Template

A: Design a title page for this book report. 

B: What is the title of your book, who is the author?

C: Use the personality list and describe the two main characters. Give examples and explain why the main characters behave that way. Use at least five personality words to describe each character.

D: Would you like to be the main character’s friend? Explain why or why not.

E: Who are the minor characters?

F: Describe the setting of the story.

G: Write a one-page summary of the novel. Focus on the problems and resolutions at the end of the story.

H: If you have a chance to meet the author, what would you ask him/her?

I: Will you recommend this book to a friend? Explain your reasons.

J: Find five new words in the story. Please include the page numbers where the words can be found. Use a dictionary to find the meaning of those words. Make up your own sentences with the words.

Thursday 12 December 2019

December 12, 2019

- flip 4 coins 100 times, list possible outcomes (HHHH, TTTT, HHHT etc).
- order is not important (e.g. HHHT = HHTH = THHH = HTHH)
- calculate experimental probably after tallies
- book report due tomorrow.  Please send that to kwokhomework@gmail.com

- still cold and windy tomorrow.  Dress warmly

- tomorrow afternoon last period: Locker clean out.  Please bring a few plastic bags and take some of your old lunches, outfits home.  Sort out paper, books, binders etc.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Water filtration link


Sir Edmund Hillary


- find out the fellow who successfully climbed Mount Everest without an oxygen tank


December 11, 2019

- spend some time on your book report.  It is due on Friday
- please bring can food and/or used clothing items for charity
- learn to cook pasta for family over the holidays.  PLEASE DON'T LEAVE THE KITCHEN  WHEN YOU ARE COOKING (this is related to the science lesson on removing solutes from solvent)

- still very cold tomorrow. Dress up

- only five of you submit the atmospheric pressure chart.  Please send that to me ASAP.  Thanks

Tuesday 10 December 2019

December 10, 2019

- Math test tomorrow (measurement, area, perimeter).  Review old worksheets, 2 periods
- bring, and leave about ten coins (of the same kind) in school for probability experiments (better to be pennies or nickels.  Dimes are too small)

Pizza lunch on Thursday Dec 19. Bring your own drink

Monday 9 December 2019

December 9, 2019

- you should be fine after the vaccines (ie no fever, no fatigue, no nausea, no shiver.  Your arms may be a bit sore, that's about it)
- study for your math test (measurement, area and perimeter).  It will take place Wednesday
- work on your book report

- chill tonight

- Bring ten pennies/nickels to school for probability experiment

- food and textile drives: please bring can food or used clothing items to school.  Thanks

- sign science test and water filtration quiz

- bring keyboard and batteries tomorrow for typing.  We did not type today because of the vaccine clinic

8A Google Sheet data


Thursday 5 December 2019

Second Cup letter

                                                                                                                 Jamie Kwok
                                                                                                                 70 Maxome Ave
                                                                                                                 North York, Ont.
                                                                                                                 Canada M2M 3K1

District Manager
Second Cup Inc
200 Front Street East
Toronto, Ontario
M1M 3K7

                                                                                                            November 29, 2017

Dear Madam,

I have always enjoyed a cup of Latte at the Second Cup in the past and every morning, a Second Cup coffee is my wake up call before going to work. [something positive]

Everything has changed on Sunday March 12 at the 65 Front Street East location.  On our way to see David Copperfield, my friends and I decided to go and enjoy a cup of Chillatte on a warm Sunday afternoon.  The lineup at that location was incredible: more than 12 customers waited for their drinks and only one fellow was busy preparing all the coffee, latte, tea and specialty drinks.  The cashier also ran out of change and many unsatisfied customers left the café with plenty of complains. [describe the event, disappointment]

After waiting for 20 minutes, we were told that the $5 Chillatte was not available and we needed to have something else.  My friends and I were forced to have something we didn't want and we were annoyed.  The new drinks were more exciting!  I have never had cold drinks were not cold and the hot drinks were lukewarm!  Mrs. Douglas, maybe you can tell me why your store charged $5 per drink for a substandard cup of latte?  [ask question] For that Sunday afternoon, the coffee at McDonald's was better than what we had at the Second Cup [compare][elaborate on the disappointing event]

If the store ran out of certain drink, why did the cashier took our money without knowing what was available at the counter?  During that 20-minute waiting period, we could have a cup of Vendi Cappuccino at Starbucks, a dozen donuts at Tim Horton's or a café Mocha at Timothy.  [tell them what to do, and compare – don’t have to give you your business]

The customer service is poor at the Second Cup location on 65 Front Street East.  They need more staff on weekends since there are plenty of visitors in the downtown area.  We will not get coffee from that store again and we certainly hope the headquarter at Second Cup can communicate our concerns to the storeowner of that café.  [advice and suggestions]


- rude sales person

- problem with food or drink

- overcharged items

December 5, 2019

7C Science:
Water filtration video (watch it if you are in the music rehearsal this morning)


- there will be a quiz on this video on Monday.  Please watch it again

- Math test next week. Area and perimeter of 2D geometric shapes.  Applications (tiles, hardwood, paper routes, fence etc).  Review old worksheets

- work on book report.  Due Friday Dec 13, 2019

- bring used clothing or can food to school for donations

- develop and finalize the three measurement questions on Doc.  Illustrate (draw) the shapes, their dimensions and provide a sample solution for each.  Send that to me and if your question is picked for the test, I will buy you a slice of pizza

Wednesday 4 December 2019

December 4, 2019

- Friday is a PA day, and I have a meeting downtown.  Do book report/ study for math test

- vaccines on Monday December 9. Eat breakfast please

- develop three math questions in real life situations related to area and perimeter (paper routes, tiles, hardwood, fence, wallpaper, curtains etc)
- may be related to cost and money
- do model answer for each one
e.g. A fence is built around a building that measures 14m x 12m.
If 2.5m of fence costs $15, how much will it cost to build it?

- pick two cases of complains (restaurants, supermarket, Uber Eats/food delivery, Movie theatres, TTC, airlines etc)
- write down at least 5 jot notes per event.  Make sure it has facts and explain why you have had a bad experience (e.g. food is cold/ not fresh, slow service, pictures in package do not reflect with the product, over-priced items in movie theater, TTC delays)

- Math test next week: measurement, area/perimeter next week.  Review materials and handouts from Kwok
(area of triangles, squares, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids) and the applications (tiles, hardwood, paper routes, fences)
- area of remaining parts inside a square (with triangles or parallelograms inside.  See handout from yesterday)
- 3 of your own questions

Tuesday 3 December 2019

Santa's Respond

Santa is facing cut back too.  He writes one letter to the all of us.  Please share with parents

Homonym spelling test

Copy this into a Google Doc.  I will read the sentences to you and please fill in the blanks.

Homonyms dictation: Please read to the class and they will dictate

1) _______going to the mall over _____ to meet _____ friends. 

2) The stranger ______ at you from ________.

3) After carrying a _______ of water to my house, I look really _____!

4) The _____ truck took the _____ road and ran over my big ____.

5) Paul _____, joined ______ of his friends when they went ____ the movie.

6) It is not ______ we have to pay extra ______ to go to Rich Man Hill!

7) How much do I have to ______ to buy this tea ____?

8) The brown ______ shows its _____ back to the tourist.

9) I like to eat a bowl of _______ on a ______ day.

10) It costs 25 ______ to ______ a bundle of sweet ______ flowers to my wife.

11) _______ for Johnny, everyone ______ the invitation to the party.

12) The school ________ stood by her _______ not to let any strangers to come into the school.

13) The _______ old man took out a ______ from the bank. 

December 3, 2019

7C, 7A, 7F
- Science test tomorrow.  STUDY

- 23 True or False questions; one short science report to read and identify variables

- vaccines on Monday December 9.  Eat breakfast

- work on book report, due Friday Dec 13, 2019

- sign media test

- find the atmospheric pressure for today.  Record the information

- complete math sheet with the application questions on area (90cm2, 9cm2, 9cm2, 466.38cm2)

Monday 2 December 2019

December 2, 2019

- use Bookflex (or any other Apps licensed by TDSB)  and let your computer to read at least two chapters of a novel of your choice.  You will have to show me tomorrow in class
- Science test on Wednesday Dec 4.  Study
- review homonym list.  Spelling test tomorrow.  It will be online.  Please bring laptop
- Math: paper route question, see examples below.  The question is near the end of this blog