Thursday 3 October 2019

October 3, 2019

- share EQAO results with parents.  Give them your sealed envelope
- generally speaking, math scores are low and poor.  This applies to the whole school board

Cummer Valley Grade 6 results: % of students met or exceeded expectations
Reading 80%; Writing 83%, Math 64%)

TDSB Grade 6 results, % of students met or exceeded expectations
Reading 81%; Writing 83%, Math 53%)

- complete ratio sheets, page 5 and 6
- return school photo and Terry Fox pledge form
- spend 30 mins doing book report


  1. For page 2 question 52 what do we do? It doesn't say to do anything.

  2. you don't do page 2

  3. i did more than 30 min of the summery i did 2 hours expect me to be annoying tomorrow
