Saturday 26 October 2019

7C Climate graph

- your first climate graphs (Halifax, Santiago, Chile) are marked
- learn how to do a combo graph this week.  Send me all the files in Doc

- when I come back, will give you a quiz of how to do a combo graph for the Kingdom of Kwok.  Pay attention to Ms Vanayan lesson

8A Media note

- please put both graphs in the same sheet
- temperature should be a bar graph
- precipitation should be a line graph
- see examples below.  One sheet, four graphs

Friday 25 October 2019

Book Report Please

- to be uploaded to me by Monday night, 11:59pm.  Please name your file properly
7C Mini Kwok, Run book report
(class, your name, what assignment is that)

- Ms. Vanayan will collect cover page
- hand in the novel to Ms. Vanayan.  Otherwise, buy another copy for the school or pay $13

- be good

Monday 21 October 2019


Please Please, all of you, all the classes

Name your file properly so I don't have to rename all of them after you send me your homework.  This is the right way:

7C Kwok dinner
(class, your name, title of the file)

8A Jennifer dinner

Don't call it "My dinner" or "Climate graph".  I won't mark it next time

October 21, 2019

(Canadian climate data website)
(locations outside Canada)

- find the climate data (Temp, precipitation) for Halifax, Nova Scotia and Santiago, Chile

- plot Halifax and Santiago temperature/month graphs, add title, label axis and paste it into Google Doc.  Send that to me tonight so I can mark them on the way to HK

- be good, I am watching you for the next two weeks

- study and review the ratio quiz and prepare for your test next week

- book report due next week; "Holes" are due in mid November for the five students who are transferred to my class in late September

Friday 18 October 2019

October 18, 2019

- talk to your parents about the PhE Ed change room talk
- and why do they make more money each year?  Things get more expensive (e.g. food is up 5%  annually, rent up 10%, transportation, medical supplies, haircut etc)
- males make more money than  female for the same job, about 30% more
- what can we do about it.  If you become the Prime Minister on Tuesday, other than hiring me as your senior advisor, what will you do to change this unfairness?
- talk about the factors discussed in class

- work on book report please.  Need laptop everyday when I am in Hong Kong.  Charge it overnight at home please

Phantom Tollbooth template, due Friday the 13th of December

Thursday 17 October 2019

October 17, 2019

- please complete my dinner DTP document and send it to
- header, footer, columns, page number, picture between two columns, drop cap
- due October 24

- if you cannot logon to the TDSB Wifi, you must bring your laptop tomorrow, and Mrs Chester will help you to logon from the library.  You don't have your laptop, I cannot help you
- "It's at home."  Hi Connor!
- also passwords reset
- Terry Fox Run tomorrow.  Bring gym uniform and running shoes (wear a sweat shirt/pants outside.  It will be cold)

Money Talk

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Oct 16, 2019, Rate of change, population growth link

7C: Please return vaccines form
Terry Fox run on Friday, last two periods.  Bring gym uniform and running shoes
Return updated student data card by the end of this week (with address, email phone number etc)
Spend 30 mins on Book Report, "Run" or "Holes"
Mozart classical music stimulates neuron growth in kids.  Listen to it while you work 

Complete the Rate of Change search and questions.  Please explain
- why the population in Newfoundland has gone down in the past 4 years
- why you prefer to live in a big city or a small town
- and what will happen if a country has too many males (58%) than females (42%)  (e.g. China)
- Mrs. Vanayan, supply teacher, will collect your cover page for the book report on Oct 28

October 15, 2019

tomorrow, no time to teach this today: Math, population growth, unit rate (% growth by the year)

- sign math assignment (ratio extension) and contour map
- Friday October 18, last two periods, Terry Fox run.  Bring gym uniform and running shoes

- watch and read the vaccines articles posted in this blog

It’s estimated that 230,000 Canadians are currently infected with hepatitis B, although only 58 per cent of them are aware of their infection. [Kwok's note: that means 42% are not aware they are carrier of the Hep B virus. Scary]

Hepatitis A is rare in Canada and Patterson said the majority of cases over the past decade have been the result of people being infected while traveling to the Caribbean, South America or Africa, and then developing symptoms once they've returned home.

It’s estimated that about 79 million Americans have HPV but many don’t even know they’re infected, as most people never develop symptoms.

Sunday 13 October 2019

Paper airplane sheet data

Thursday 10 October 2019

Vaccine articles

If you still have doubt, read these articles: 

It’s estimated that 230,000 Canadians are currently infected with hepatitis B, although only 58 per cent of them are aware of their infection. [Kwok's note: that means 42% are not aware they are carrier of the Hep B virus. Scary]

Hepatitis A is rare in Canada and Patterson said the majority of cases over the past decade have been the result of people being infected while traveling to the Caribbean, South America or Africa, and then developing symptoms once they've returned home.

It’s estimated that about 79 million Americans have HPV but many don’t even know they’re infected, as most people never develop symptoms.

Wednesday 9 October 2019

October 10, 2019

*TDSB Wifi logon date in library: Fri October 18, first period. Bring laptop
*return vaccine form and Terry Fox form next week
* How to connect to TDSB Wifi with own digital device. Read the information from this link

7C, DTP assignment: header, footer, 2 columns, title, one fall pict, drop cap

Photo is from Fine Art America

October 9, 2019

- type up data for shoe size, colour, food, family and language

- put formulae in to calculate average, median, mode, max, min of data with numbers (height, shoe, family)


- if you don't have a laptop, type the information up in home computer, print a copy of your work and bring it to school to prove that you have done your homework

- I really want to teach you more tomorrow.  Please come the class prepared with no distractions whenever possible. Thanks

Tuesday 8 October 2019

October 8, 2019

- bring laptop tomorrow.  I will teach you how to do formula in Excel and sheets
- type up height data in Google sheets. No unit please
e.g. 1Kwok 172
(don't put cm)
- 30 mins on book report

8A DTP assignment

- one page DTP (desktop publishing) document with Word or Google Doc
- about your dinner or yourself
- send to
- due Thursday October 24
- layout:
header (title, your name)
footer (page number, date)
2 columns
Drop Cap
At least one picture or photo (overlap between two columns)

Monday 7 October 2019

October 7, 2019

- please return vaccine forms as soon as possible
- Tonnie for Terry.  Please return Terry Fox run envelope

- bring laptop tomorrow. 45 mins to work on book report
- Day 1 tomorrow, bring batteries and type
- Math: extension of ratio
- spend 30 mins working on book report
- share Federal party election promises with parents (Liberal, PC, NDP, Green).  Who should they vote?

Sunday 6 October 2019

NO STRIKE MONDAY. See you tomorrow

Free Microsoft Office 365

- ask parents to supervise your download please

Microsoft Office 365 is free for students.  Not a scam.

- use your school board email to enrol.  I did that on my home computer

- must be able to login to your TDSB email account to download the file

Friday 4 October 2019

October 4, 2019

- Math, more ratio sheet, show steps

- check local news on Sunday night (around 10pm) for possible strike on Monday

- work on book reports, 30 mins per day

- start reading the next novel, Phantom Tollbooth

- encourage your parents to vote on Oct 21.  Explain to them the responsibility go Federal Government.  If they don't vote, they should not complain about the high tax rate, legalized pots, relationships with China and everything else

Thursday 3 October 2019

October 3, 2019

- share EQAO results with parents.  Give them your sealed envelope
- generally speaking, math scores are low and poor.  This applies to the whole school board

Cummer Valley Grade 6 results: % of students met or exceeded expectations
Reading 80%; Writing 83%, Math 64%)

TDSB Grade 6 results, % of students met or exceeded expectations
Reading 81%; Writing 83%, Math 53%)

- complete ratio sheets, page 5 and 6
- return school photo and Terry Fox pledge form
- spend 30 mins doing book report

Useful Vocabulary links

For your scary story

Tuesday 1 October 2019

October 2, 2019

- bring back vaccine forms whenever possible
- Try Fox pledge form
- Math- cross multiplication, page 4 only
- upload the food writing/photo to tonight
- bring laptop to class tomorrow. Work on book report, one period

October 1, 2019

- bring laptop or Chromebook next Day 1 (Tuesday, October 8) for the food assignment

- Math, ratio, cross multiplication, both side (2 and 3 variable questions)

- type food text in Google Doc or Word. Do the following:
header, footer, title, date, your name, columns, page number, photo, wrap text, drop cap
- send that to Kwok when it is done (You have two days to do it; due Wednesday night)
- if you did not use some of the food words last night, please list at least 12 of those words, and rewrite your paragraph.  This turns you into a better writer with better vocabulary! Remember, you are in grade 7, don't write like a grade 5 student

Adjectives to describe food

- Terry Fox Run pledge form