Thursday 7 December 2017

December 7, 2018

You must wear indoor shoes to avoid dragging mud into the classroom. Please leave a pair of indoor shoes in your locker till the end of the year
- otherwise, you will be given a broom to clean your desk and area to remove all the dirt from the floor

Message from Misner. Media assignment

- 13 of you have not handed in the media assignment.  You need to hand it to Misner before the next media class (tomorrow, December 8).  It is 3 week overdue

- book report due next Tuesday.  Must email to me by Monday night.

- sign Geography quiz

- Work on formal letter paragraph, your strengths and achievements (8 to 10 sentences).  Learn to use at least 3  IT sentences. Type it up but don't email until the formal letter is done

e.g. It is an honour to represent my class in the Student Council so a variety events can be shared with the class regularly
It is very important to do well academically, as well as participating in different extra curricular activities

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