Monday 2 October 2017

October 2, 2017

- use these adverbs and compose six sentences.  Place the adverb  in front or after the verb.  Do not use adverb in the beginning of a sentence
- each sentence must have at least two adjectives and one adverb
Happily, Magically, Greedily, Disorderly, Thoughtfully, Recently

e.g. The noisy class is reading quietly inside the school library
The greedy child wisely returns the $5 to the police station after finding it in the sidewalk

- Math: find all the factors for the following
88, 64, 50, 36, 100, 57, 45, 27, 99, 81

7B/7C Sci test after the long weekend, in mid October.  STUDY

8B/8C science test on November 1.

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