Tuesday 31 October 2017


As the dark cloud covered Rich Man Hill, the Kwok family quickly rushed out and distributed half baked worms to the little kids in the neighbourhood. . .

Monday 30 October 2017

October 30, 2017

- Math: perimeter of polygons.  Show all steps and calculations

Friday 27 October 2017

October 27, 2017

- bring FOUR AA batteries for typing

- perimeter and area of rectangles and squares.  Show all calculations
- book report due on Monday Oct 30.  Get it done and upload to

- return novel back to Kwok on Monday or pay $9

- buy cough drop from drug store if you cough constantly [or see doctor to get cough syrup]

- start working on flower observation chart
- study for test, Wednesday November 1.  It is difficult

Thursday 26 October 2017

October 26, 2017

- calculate perimeter of the school building by:
- determine the length of each side of the school building (convert paces into metres by cross multiplication)

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Tuesday 24 October 2017

October 24, 2017

- sign science test, math quiz and conjunction homework
- complete THREE personal goals [2 academic and 1 extra curricular/social goal] for the nest term: Measurable, realistic and practical (sign that sheet that will go into your file)
- unscramble those sentences

- Halloween dress up day: wear gym uniform

Friday 20 October 2017

October 20, 2017

- STUDY! Math quiz Monday (factors, multiples, LCM, Ratio)
- if you finish the quiz early, you may go to library to do book report.  Students can bring own laptop and work in the classroom

Thursday 19 October 2017

October 19, 2017

- the board is giving out about 15 free laptop computers.  Complete the following survey to see if you are qualify

- Terry Fox Run tomorrow afternoon.  Please bring gym uniforms and running shoes (20°C in the afternoon, sunny)
- Terry Fox assembly during the 3rd period.  Science test will take place during the 4th period.  STUDY
- this is the last weekend you have work on book report.  If it is done, please email it to
- Coffee, donut and muffin!

- science test on November 1
- onion illustration is due on Thursday

Wednesday 18 October 2017

October 18, 2017

- conjunction sheet
- study for science test; I will collect your science notebook after the test
- spend time on book report
- bring laptop tomorrow

Tuesday 17 October 2017

October 17, 2017

- Math: Ratio and proportion questions, both side.  Kwok is painting his living room and toilet.  Find out how!
- study for science test on Friday
- Work on Frozen Fire, bring laptop on Thursday, October 19
- Terry Fox assembly and run on Friday.  Bring gym uniform and running shoes
- We run during period 6 and 7; assembly will take place during 3rd period
- you will write science test during Core, in the 4th period

- Sci test during the first period on Friday

- cell diagram due Oct 24

- cell diagram due Oct 19

- science test on Nov 1

Monday 16 October 2017

October 16, 2017

7B/7C: Sci test on Friday October 20.

- The board is giving out about 15 free laptop.  Complete the following survey to see if you are qualify:

LA: Conjunction sheet.  Try not to use because and and.  You may switch the ideas around if the compound sentence retains the meaning of the original

- tomorrow, Tuesday October 17, last period: Bring laptop to work on Frozen Fire
- also on Thursday October 19, second period: Bring laptop to work on Frozen Fire

Math: Complete these two questions.  The answers are given to you.  SHOW ALL STEPS

Friday 13 October 2017

October 13, 2017

- STUDY for science test.  The test is on Oct 20. Mixtures, pure substance, particle theory

- spend at least one hour on book report, due Oct 30
- Math: Cross multiplication again

- illustration of onion cells is due next Friday Oct 20
- you are welcome to eat lunch in my room and finish the illustration with a microscope

Thursday 12 October 2017

Oct 12, 2017

7B/7C Sci
- bring a cup/mug for the solvent/ solute experiment -

- problem solving based questions for Cross multiplication
- spend one hour doing book report
- study for Science Test (Oct 20)
- bring a mug/cup tomorrow for the solvent/solute experiments

Wednesday 11 October 2017

October 11, 2017



- if your file is uploaded as a Google document, please convert it into a Word file and send that to me as an attachment.  Otherwise, if the Google doc cannot be opened, you score ZERO for your work
- Math: triple cross multiplication, FIRST PAGE ONLY
- bring laptop or Chromebook to class tomorrow and you will have one period to work on book report
[there are only 12 working computers in the library]

- Science: bring a small cup for solvent-solute experiment.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

October 10, 2017

7B/7C read these articles: Lead in water, Toronto schools

7C Geography
Find one picture for each of these landform, add caption to each, save it in Word/ Google doc, email to kwokhomework@gmail.com
- add header and footer
- name the file with YOUR name, title
[e.g. 7C Andy Geog DTP]

- dormant volcano
- active volcano
- river valley
- plateau
- plain
- snow capped mountain
- a big river

- a lake

Thursday 5 October 2017

October 5, 2017

The TDSB homework policy prohibits me from assigning homework during a long weekend.

My son will be doing an hour of homework each night, and he is in grade 4.  What should you do?

At least, start book report, and study for science test

Book report must be typed and email to

Wednesday 4 October 2017

October 4, 2017

- MUST return immunization forms to school by tomorrow, Oct 5
- share EQAO results with parents
- share CASI and Math reassessment information with parents; write down the results in planner
- FROZEN FIRE, start working on the book report

- read the following article "Have a Heart" (three tiff files attached below), Write a summary and the main idea for this story

7B/7C Science test on Friday October 20.  Everything since the first class

Tuesday 3 October 2017

October 3, 2017

Geography - two contour maps, complete the cross section profiles
- identify the contour interval for both maps

Math - Greatest Common Factors (GCF or HCF), 12 questions
- must show steps and calculations

- reading is not homework.  YOU ARE EXPECTED TO READ FOR 30 MINS EACH DAY
- read Frozen Fire if you have not finished reading it.
- if you have done reading, please start book report.  Must be typed

7b/7C Sci test after the long weekend, on Friday Oct 20.  Everything from the first class.  STUDY this weekend

Monday 2 October 2017

October 2, 2017

- use these adverbs and compose six sentences.  Place the adverb  in front or after the verb.  Do not use adverb in the beginning of a sentence
- each sentence must have at least two adjectives and one adverb
Happily, Magically, Greedily, Disorderly, Thoughtfully, Recently

e.g. The noisy class is reading quietly inside the school library
The greedy child wisely returns the $5 to the police station after finding it in the sidewalk

- Math: find all the factors for the following
88, 64, 50, 36, 100, 57, 45, 27, 99, 81

7B/7C Sci test after the long weekend, in mid October.  STUDY

8B/8C science test on November 1.