Friday 15 September 2017

September 15, 2017

- Mono Cliff trip from Monday to Wednesday.  Pack during the weekend, and use the checklist that is given to you [3 days of clothing, extra socks and underwear, sleeping bag, warm PJ, soap and shampoo, tooth brush and tooth paste]

- bring a lunch for Monday.  They will not serve lunch when you arrive

- Math review questions, Kwok's trip to Vancouver.  SHOW ME THE STEPS

- to prove that you are smart, try to solve this problem,

- Personality list from Kwok.  Find 5 words with similar meanings to
Mean, Nice, Shy, Brave, Bad

e.g. Happy: jolly, merry, humorous, cheerful

Then use five of these personality words and make up sentences

The joyful student tells her parents she gets 100% in the difficult math test.

- Photo day will be on Tuesday Sept 26.  Dress nicely

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