Monday 29 May 2017

May 29, 2017

- Geography: you are a land developer and need to develop a piece of land in a peninsula.  Within the peninsula, there are hills, rivers/streams, wooded area, bluff, creek and it is facing a lake
- 35% of the land must preserved as wooded area
- lakes, creeks and rivers cannot be removed (i.e. put sand and rock in there to make more land)
- residential area (apartments, condos, detected houses, town homes),
- commercial area (office buildings, malls, stores, Starbucks),
- hospitals, schools, public transit, roads, highways, bridges, fire stations, police stations, JAIL
- recreation areas (parks, community centres, swimming pools, arenas, art gallery, museum etc)

- the peninsula is roughly 50km x 40km big

- design where to put these features, and after it is done, you will sell most of these places to wealthy immigrants and make billions

- work on draft for now in geography textbook, good copy on large graph paper
- due Friday June 2

- draw one right angle triangle, one isosceles triangle and one obtuse triangle, and bisect each side.
- extend the perpendicular lines to see if they intersect to form the centre of gravity
- does this work the same as as bisecting the angles?

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