Wednesday 31 May 2017

May 31, 2017

- sign goals for the June report.  Review what is written this morning and discuss the PLANS for the summer with your parents
doing nothing is not a plan;
going to summer camp, have fun is not a plan
playing video games all summer long is not a plan
how can you outsmart the other students in grade 8???  That's the big question


Tuesday 30 May 2017

May 30, 2017

7A/7B/7C: Flint River, floods in the GTA

Monday 29 May 2017

May 29, 2017

- Geography: you are a land developer and need to develop a piece of land in a peninsula.  Within the peninsula, there are hills, rivers/streams, wooded area, bluff, creek and it is facing a lake
- 35% of the land must preserved as wooded area
- lakes, creeks and rivers cannot be removed (i.e. put sand and rock in there to make more land)
- residential area (apartments, condos, detected houses, town homes),
- commercial area (office buildings, malls, stores, Starbucks),
- hospitals, schools, public transit, roads, highways, bridges, fire stations, police stations, JAIL
- recreation areas (parks, community centres, swimming pools, arenas, art gallery, museum etc)

- the peninsula is roughly 50km x 40km big

- design where to put these features, and after it is done, you will sell most of these places to wealthy immigrants and make billions

- work on draft for now in geography textbook, good copy on large graph paper
- due Friday June 2

- draw one right angle triangle, one isosceles triangle and one obtuse triangle, and bisect each side.
- extend the perpendicular lines to see if they intersect to form the centre of gravity
- does this work the same as as bisecting the angles?

Friday 26 May 2017

May 26, 2016

- your job this weekend is to learn your speech, practice and memorize it
- audio tape yourself, look into the mirror for eye contact, rehearse in front of your parents and be cool
- the scoring card is given to you for the criteria
- will start formal presentation next week.  The names will be drawn from a hat
- be passionate about your speech.  If that's the case, your presentation will be fabulous

Thursday 25 May 2017

May 25, 2017

Math, congruent and similar shapes
- for each property, draw two triangles with these measurements.  Determine if each pair is congruent or similar

e.g.  Side-side-side (SSS), 3cm-4cm-5cm (both triangles are identical even one is flipped).  They are congruent shapes

1) AAA, 60°-60°-60°
2) SAS, 6cm-45°-8cm
3) ASS, 75°-10cm-8cm
4) AAS, 100°-25°-8cm
5) SSA, 7cm-6cm-30°

Wednesday 24 May 2017

May 24, 2017

- use compass, find centre of gravity in 3 acute triangles, and 3 obtuse triangles.  Each side must be at least 6cm long ti make your drawing accurate
- speech, speech, speech.  Type up, TIME yourself.  Look into a mirror for eye contact, audio tape yourself and listen for pace, pronunciation etc

May 24, 2017

7B/7C Read

Tuesday 23 May 2017

May 23, 2017

- science: Read and learn Carbon/Water cycles (page 137 to 139). Quiz tomorrow

- bisect 3 acute and 3 obtuse angles.  In order for your drawing to be accurate, the length of each line segment must be at least 6cm long
- use protractor to measure the two angles to make sure they have the same measurements
- BUY A COMPASS if you do not have one

- look up google images on river valley, glacier valley, marsh, swamp, creek and ridge

Friday 19 May 2017

May 19, 2017

TDSB homework policy: No homework during long weekend.

My son is doing an hour of homework each day, are you?

Thursday 18 May 2017

May 19, 2017

Math: make up 8 questions with angle properties given from handout.  Draw these figures (triangles and quadralaterals only) in math book.  Measure the angles with protractors, and ask peers to find missing angles with
- each figure should be half a page big; must be drawn with RULER

- 30 mins on speech

Wednesday 17 May 2017

May 17, 2017

- sign geography quiz and contour map assignment
- math angle sheet.  No protractor, must explain how to get answers
- 45 mins on speech

Tuesday 16 May 2017

May 16, 2017

- 45 mins on speech.  Due after Victoria weekend
- Study for science test (June 6), min 20 mins

Monday 15 May 2017

May 15, 2017

Sign math test.  Do corrections
Geography quiz tomorrow: page 144 to 151 (agriculture and farming)

Dust Bowl video from PBS.  watch it

7A Science: watch pollination video
- watch this pollination video, presented by Dr. Mia Park and Mr. Jackson Yeo

Friday 12 May 2017

May 12, 2017

Contour Map show interval
Buy protractor and compass next week
Start working on draft of speech (45mins each day)
It is Mother's Day.  Be nice to mom.  Prepare breakfast or buy something for her

Sci test on June 6.  Materials in the new unit only (ecology, interaction between living organisms and the environment).  Kwok's materials only, with questions in the articles and links that you should have read

Thursday 11 May 2017

May 11, 2017

Sci test on June 6.  Kwok's materials, plus information from links and videos on invasive species

Math test tomorrow.  Algebra, negative integers, used car and mortgage payments

Start writing your speech.  3 to 5 mins.  Choose a topic you know a lot.  Minimal research can be done.  PEE essay is always good

If you think there is no homework in my class, you must be a genius, and ready for the science test, math test, speech and essay!  Amazing!

Maybe there will be another musical tomorrow

Wednesday 10 May 2017

May 10, 2017

- Math test: algebra, order of operation, integers on Friday May 12
- buying a car, getting a mortgage questions too!

7A/B/C Science
- Kwok will be collecting your notebook
- science test after Victoria Day weekend, the last week in May
- watch this pollination video, presented by Dr. Mia Park and Mr. Jackson Yeo

7A Read
Read (Science)

Tuesday 9 May 2017

May 9, 2017

Gauss Math Contest tomorrow.  The six students who are ready to out-perform, please bring pencils, eraser, calculators, and ruler to the cafe during first/second period

Order of Operation.  The answers are given to you.  I need to see the steps, and will collect the sheets tomorrow

7A/7B/7C Science
- watch this pollination video, presented by Dr. Mia Park and Mr. Jackson Yeo

Monday 8 May 2017

May 8, 2017

Read, potato famine in Ireland

Math: order of operations

Speech: Brainstorm TWO potential topics for your speech.  Should have 30 points for each one.  Pick a topic you know a lot about

- science notebook will be collected this Friday.  It will be scored out of 30!

Friday 5 May 2017

May 5, 2017


- finish typing up Comparison essay and email to me by Sunday

Your condo calculations.  Be nice to your parents

The six who are writing Gauss, it is mandatory for you to do TWO this weekend.  Contest will take place on May 10

Thursday 4 May 2017

May 4, 2017

- Algebra: Far, far away with Raymond

Read (Science)

Wednesday 3 May 2017

May 3, 2017

Open House, no homework

- sign math test

- show highlighted statement in algebra (buying a condo, down payment) to your parents.  Be nice to them.  Mother's Day is coming up (Sunday, May 14)
- if you don't have money, prepare breakfast for mom.  I am sure she likes bacon and eggs
- or you can make her a personal card etc, bad something sweet (cookies, brownies etc)

Tuesday 2 May 2017

May 2, 2017


Thursday May 4, Hep B and Gardasil shots.  Have breakfast before school
Finish comparison easy draft tonight

Monday 1 May 2017

May 1, 2017

Math quiz tomorrow.  Negative integers and algebra.  STUDY