Monday 12 January 2015

January 12, 2015

LA: Eight points, with elaboration and explanation " Should Ontario have 12-month schools?"

[For] Example#1:  Since most students forget what they have learned during the summer months, it is better for them to refresh, reinforce, and relearn different skills all year long.  This way, more complex concepts can be taught without wasting time reviewing and the kiddie stuff every year.

[Against] Example#2: During the hot summer months, many older school buildings are warmer than toaster ovens.  How can students learn in such a torturing environment?  If we are forced to attend school in such conditions, it will be ineffective, inhumane and inconsiderate for the safety of young children.

Math: Two Pie graphs: manually draw the pie graph with the data collected in class. (Favourite ice cream and favourite fast food)

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