Thursday, 6 March 2025

8D Drama scoring

 8D Drama scoring (make a copy in your computer) 

March 6, 2025

 Get something done for your TECH project. Epstein complains some of you did no work.

You will have tech tomorrow morning and I will talk to him at lunch.

Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Bring plastic bag to clean up your locker mess tomorrow

 You will not come to my room until the locker is inspected

Buy a protractor after break

 Half circle, measure to 180*

March 5a, 2025

 8C, 8D Math

- complete the two questions from KFC, TTC and Air Canada

- calculate the probability for each case

- then make up three questions related to your interests (e.g. hockey, food, flying, etc)

e.g. The probability for me to see Mickey in Orlando is 3/8

The probability that the weather is sunny and warm all week is 2/7

- list four combinations

- calculate the probability for each case

March 5, 2025

1)    The probability that the Starbucks coffee is cold is 1/9 and the probability that Starbucks run out

of sugar is 1/12.

List the four possible combinations in the two situations above

- cold coffee and no sugar 

- cold coffee and with sugar 

- hot coffee and no sugar 

- hot coffee and with sugar 



Then calculate the probability for each case (express answers in fraction). Add up the probability

of the four cases





2)    The probability that the KFC restaurant runs out of chicken is 1/15 and the probability that KFC restaurant will only sell salad is 1/17.

List the four possible combinations in the two situations above





Then calculate the probability for each case (express answers in fraction). Add up the probability of the four cases





3)    The probability that TTC Bus will arrive on time is 7/8

The probability that the Air Canada flight will be late is 2/5

Calculate the following probability. Express your answers in fraction and show your work (6)

- What is the probability that TTC Bus will arrive on time AND the Air Canada flight will

be late?


- What is the probability that TTC Bus will arrive on time AND the Air Canada flight will

arrive on time?

- What is the probability that TTC Bus will be late AND the Air Canada flight will be late?


- What is the probability that TTC Bus will be late AND the Air Canada flight will arrive on time

Tuesday, 4 March 2025

March 4, 2025


1 digitals, begin with 1, like this:





  • +91 222 1234567
  • + (ISD Code) (3 digit area code) (7 digit number)

011 - 98 - 10 Digit Mobile Number

  • Russia’s country code is 7.
  • There are now four area codes operating within Moscow. Both 495 and 499 are used in the city, while 496 and 498 are used on the outskirts.
  • For all calls within Russia (including within Moscow), you must dial 8 plus the 10-digit number including the area code.


8C, 8D Math. car/Truck license plates

2a. In the old Ontario license plates, the first three slots can only host numbers, and the next

three slots can only host letters, how many possible combinations are there in Ontario license plates?

_________, _________, _________ ___________, ___________, _________

2b. Ontario is running out of six- slot license plates (e.g. 328 JTJ). List six other alternatives to deal with this problem. (3)

Monday, 3 March 2025

March 3, 2025

 March 3, 2025

Note: In Canada, all phone numbers only consist of 7 slots (not counting area code)

416 - ___ ___ ___ - ____ ____ ____ ____

Task 1

Greater Vancouver area, find all area codes and estimate how many phone numbers can be generated

Find population in the greater Vancouver area.

Task 2

Repeat the same procedures for New York City

Task 3

Find all the area codes in the Greater Beijing (China) area or if you prefer, Tehran (Iran), South Korea

  • Determine how many numbers can be generated from those regions

fish dissection videos