Friday 13 September 2024

8D WHIMIS test

September 13, 2024

Science notes, Lesson 1 (8B, 8C, 8D)

Science notes, cells


- Math: complete questions 1 to 8 (Milk, video games, Bell data, donuts, Tim Hortons, Starbucks, Pizza Huts, School). Show all steps

- all those who did not complete Art assignment:  finish it this weekend and hand it in Monday morning by 9am. Otherwise, no credit will be given 


- sign math test, do correction

- Math: complete 5 questions of cross multiplication (chicken, marble, glass, Mini Kwok, buffet)

- sign math test and do corrections

Ontario Secondary School Graduation requirements

TDSB Specialized Programs

Find your home school

Thursday 12 September 2024

Art lesson 2

September 12, 2024

 Curriculum Night

- Thursday, October 10 from 6pm to 8pm

8C, 8D WHIMIS test tomorrow. Study

Science notes, cells

8C: Sign math test. Corrections

- extra help is available at lunch. Eat lunch in classroom and I will help you

- Cross multiplication (chicken, marble, glass, Mini Kwok, buffet)

Tape worms, pretty long

Wednesday 11 September 2024

September 11, 2024


Boy Soccer Form

- sign and return tomorrow

- practice on Friday at 7:15am. Bright and early

- Cross multiplication, real life examples


- art work due Friday

- WHIMIS test on Friday, Study

Tuesday 10 September 2024

September 10, 2024

 8D: Tomorrow, Wed., Setpt 11, 

Math test (decimal/fraction/percent, number line, tax, food, the rest) on Wednesday September 11

- bring calculator, pencil, eraser

- WHIMIS test on Friday


Triple cross multiplication questions

Monday 9 September 2024

September 9, 2024

 8D, Science Test, Friday Sept 13

8D: Math test (decimal/fraction/percent, number line, tax, food, the rest) on Wednesday September 11

- bring calculator, pencil, eraser

Art lesson 8C

Art lesson#1, due Friday Sept 13

8C WHIMIS test on Friday Sept 13

Math: Ratio and cross multiplication, 2 sets of numbers, front page only (10 questions)

Friday 6 September 2024


 WHIMIS notes for Septemer 5

Compressed gas

Oxidizing agent




    Common Corrosive substances in your home: bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, vinegar

  • corrode or burn skin (can bleed or get infected easily)

  • Don’t drink vinegar (it corrodes your stomach lining), but you can add to fries and other food

  • If you put bleach directly on a shirt, it will make a hole in the shirt within an hour

  • Usually, people dilute bleach with water first before putting it into the washing machine (1 part bleach, 5+ parts water)

  • Compressed gas cylinder: if it is dropped to the ground or the top cap is loosened or broken, it will fly like a rocket. This will break doors, walls and your legs.

  • These gas cylinders must be securely placed so that they don’t drop onto the floor.

  • Some patients need oxygen tanks to supply oxygen for them to breathe.

  • Biohazard materials: used syringes contain small droplets of blood (which can carry diseases, viruses, drugs and other funny things)

  • Next time when you go and get a flu/COVID shot, your doctor puts the used syringe in a yellow box, and the box has the biohazard label. 

  • These syringes will be incinerated

  • Never pick up a used syringe from the park or parking lot. Tell a caretaker or teacher if you see one from the schoolyard

September 6, 2024

 8C, 8D

- math test next Monday September 9 (decimal, fraction, percent, HST, number lines, the rest). STUDY and bring calculator

- review practice test


Science test next week (WHIMIS)

- bring laptop

pH scale: How corrosive is a substance?

pH 1 to 3: extremely corrosive

pH 12 to 14 : extremely corrosive

pH 8: toothpaste to neutralize the acidic after taste in your mouth

KNOWLEDGE IS POWER:  if you know more than everyone else, you will be the brightest kid in the class

Thursday 5 September 2024

8C, spend as close to $25 as possible

 Kwok likes to eat. I will give $25 to buy lunch in a (ONE) fast food restaurant

- no coupon, no Uber, no buy one get one free

- spend as close to $25 as possible without going over

- cannot buy more than one of the same item

- calculate the HST (13%)

- send your answer to

- include the name of restaurant, the price of each item, and calculate the tax and total

- must be less than $25.01

Sample answer

e.g. Wok with Kwok

Sweet and Sour Chicken $12.05

Shrimp Fried Rice $8.07

Spring Roll $2.00

Water Free

Total food 12.05+8.07+2.00 = $22.12

Tax 22.12 x 0.13 = $2.88

Total payable 22.12 + 2.88 = $25.00

WHIMIS notes for Sept 5

 WHIMIS notes for Septemer 5


    Common Corrosive substances in your home: bleach, toilet bowl cleaner, vinegar

  • corrode or burn skin (can bleed or get infected easily)

  • Don’t drink vinegar (it corrodes your stomach lining), but you can add to fries and other food

  • If you put bleach directly on a shirt, it will make a hole in the shirt within an hour

  • Usually, people dilute bleach with water first before putting it into the washing machine (1 part bleach, 5+ parts water)

  • Compressed gas cylinder: if it is dropped to the ground or the top cap is loosened or broken, it will fly like a rocket. This will break doors, walls and your legs.

  • These gas cylinders must be securely placed so that they don’t drop onto the floor.

  • Some patients need oxygen tanks to supply oxygen for them to breathe.

  • Biohazard materials: used syringes contain small droplets of blood (which can carry diseases, viruses, drugs and other funny things)

  • Next time when you go and get a flu/COVID shot, your doctor puts the used syringe in a yellow box, and the box has the biohazard label. 

  • These syringes will be incinerated

  • Never pick up a used syringe from the park or parking lot. Tell a caretaker or teacher if you see one from the schoolyard

September 5, 2024


Math: number line questions, Kwok's wife question, grocery question (The rest. . .)

Math test next week


Math: number line questions, Kwok's wife question, grocery question (The rest. . .)

Math test next week


Science test next week (WHIMIS). Bring laptop to complete test in Google Form

Wednesday 4 September 2024

September 4, 2024

 Art lesson#1


Math: Calculate the McDonalds, Princess Ira, and other questions except Part C

WHIMIS - flammable and oxidizing agents (list them, common names only, no chemical formula)


Oxidizing agent

Jasper AB and Paradise, CA


Art assignment due in two weeks (Sept 20)

Math: defuse the bomb
Do all questions except the one about my wife. Show all steps and calculations

Tuesday 3 September 2024

September 3, 2024


- check the blog and share it with parents

- WHIMIS handout. Learn the symbols and their meaning

- WHIMIS Quiz next Monday September 9. Bring laptop


- cash online: $7.50 to buy an agenda. Online payment only in Cash online

- Math: convert fraction into decimal

- defuse the bomb if you can add/subtract decimals, fraction and percent. Cut order

- share blog with parents


- flammable household items (list them in the WHIMIS sheet)