Friday 30 June 2023

Time to say Goodbye

 We have had a great year. I will let the water says goodbye to all of you in its dance. It is beautiful!

Have a wonderful summer. 7C is the best class in the school. 

All the best! Remember, the future is in your hands.


Bellagio Fountains - Time to Say GoodBye (Con te partiro) Andrea Bocelli - YouTube

Awesome Zoo Pictures

 Wonderful trip, brilliant students. I will miss you all.

These are high resolution images, about 4Mb each. Please forward them to Niki, Faraz, Tara and all those who did not go. 

Thursday 29 June 2023

June 29, 2023

 Zoo trip tomorrow. Please bring

hat, water/bottle, sunscreen, money for lunch, sunglasses, fully charged phone, lunch

Extra T-shirt, and socks

No headphones, no ear pods, no books because you will drop them

Try to arrive by 8:30am. Bus will be here at 9am

New baby monkeys at the zoo.

Your Toronto Zoo Welcomes Birth of Critically Endangered Sumatran Orangutan! - YouTube

New Outdoor Orangutan habitate. I will move in next month!

Wednesday 28 June 2023

School Yearbook

 YEARBOOK 2022-2023

The school Yearbook is NOW available for purchase through SchoolCashOnline starting today, June 28th until midnight on July 7th.  The Yearbook team has worked hard on capturing lots of school memories.  Make sure you order before the expiry date to ensure you keep a copy of your time at Cummer Valley MS.

Login to to check out the information regarding the Cummer Valley Yearbook.

Details will be provided at a later date regarding pick-up/delivery.  Please email the school if you have any questions. Thank you for supporting your school.

June 28, 2023

 Mean, median and mode

Median family income (note: two people made money in a family)

Zoo trip, bus and restaurants

 Toronto Zoo | Restaurants

Driver of Bus 3



Number of Adults on Bus 3 = 2

Number of Students on Bus 3 = 18

Row 1






Row 2

Mr Kwok

Row 3

Ethan, 7C

Jahsai 7C

Row 4

Kayley 7C

Sophia 7C

Row 5

Mrs. Chinaei

Pendar, 7C

Row 6

Woozoo, 7C

Daniel 7C

Row 7

Angela 7C

Liam 7C

Row 8

Nadia 7C

Lincoln, 7C

Row 9

Emitis 7C

Bahareh, 7C

Row 10

Emma 7C

Eileen, 7C

Row 11

Siddhanth, 7C

Row 12

Edward, 7C

Brendon 7C

Tuesday 27 June 2023

Classify these animals from the Zoo website

7B and 7C Fraction Test

Check your TDSB email. There should be a link that goes live at

7C: 9:10am

7B: 12:40pm

Monday 26 June 2023

June 26, 2023

 Zoo map

Plan the first 60mins of your walk in the zoo. Look up what animals you want to see first. T-Rex is in the far end of the zoo

Indo Malay







Jurassic Park

Sunday 25 June 2023

Zoo trip weather

 Sunny and very warm, around 27°C

- bring water, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, extra shirt, extra socks, money (around $20 to buy lunch), phone to take selfies with elephant, lunch 

- no computer or iPads please

Thursday 22 June 2023

7B Play day

Play day tomorrow morning (7B) or Monday morning (7B), depending on the weather

- bring sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, water, extra T-shirt and socks

- fraction test postponed to Tuesday June 27


June 22, 2023

Please try to complete trip form online tonight and pay the $20 from Schoolcashonline for the zoo trip

 Terracotta Warriors, 8th wonder of the world. Take a look, pretty amazing for an emperor who wanted a luxurious after life to protect him

Play day tomorrow afternoon or Monday afternoon, depending on the weather

- bring sunscreen, sunglasses, hat, water, extra T-shirt and socks

- fraction test postponed to Tuesday June 27

Last event is the tug of war

Tuesday 20 June 2023

7B June 20, 2023

 Reduce fraction to the lowest term, 40 questions, fraction unit

Fraction test next Monday.

Sign, pay for zoo trip on the last day of school, $20. Must be done online

White tigers, Siegfried and Roy, 43mins

June 20, 2023

 Addition of fractions. Watch this =tDQipFjAoT8

Complete exercise 6, adding fractions with different denominator

White tigers, Siegfried and Roy, 43mins

Monday 19 June 2023

June 19, 2023

 Math: equivalent fractions and lowest term

(page 3 and page 5 on the fraction unit)

Cloze passages

Fraction test on Monday June 26

Cell divisions, mitosis


- average Canadian male, non smoker, 82 years
average Canadian female, non smoker, 86 years
Red blood cells = 90 days
your blood cells, skin cells must regenerate to replace the dead cells
must have the same genetic characteristics as the parent cells
therefore, we need cell duplication to clone the same cells with the same characteristics
this process is called mitosis (sex cells = meiosis)
- fastest cell growth in root tips (plants) and embryos (animals) - double in size in 24hours

Thursday 15 June 2023

June 15, 2023

 Health test tomorrow. Study

Grade 6

Grade 5

Wednesday 14 June 2023

June 14, 2023

 Weight loss drug that coats intestines with grease and oil: Xenical (can't hold poo inside colon, accidents will happen all the time). Look up Xenical

Fraction test on Tuesday June 26. 7C will get an email invite

Health test Friday. Study

21) About how many weeks can the doctor determine the gender of the baby during pregnancy

22) Name two social changes you experience during stage 2 and 3

23) Name two emotional changes you experience during stage 2 and 3

24) What is a zygote?

25) What is another name for a fertilized egg

26) Why is the scrotum outside the female body?

27) Name three internal parts of a male reproductive system

28) Name three internal parts of a female reproductive system

29) When your mother is pregnant, what is the first organ that is developed from a fertilized egg

- see this TikTok video, four days after fertilization

30) Estimate the monthly cost to raise an infant if you become a parent at the age of 16

(diapers, baby formula)

Tuesday 13 June 2023

Fraction unit, June 13, 2023

June 13, 2023

 Health test on Friday. Study

Draw, on graph paper (label all angles and length please)Illustrate the following figures with the given criteria

1) Rectangle, width 3cm, height 5cm

2) Parallelogram, height 6cm, base 5cm, with 60° and 120° angles

3) Trapezoid, Base 5cm, height 3cm, two 75°, two 105°

4) Right trapezoid, base 6cm, height 4cm, one 45°

5) Rhombus, side = 5cm, two 135°, two 45°

6) Regular hexagon, each side 6cm

7) Regular pentagon, each side 4cm

8) Square, each side 6cm

Monday 12 June 2023

June 12, 2023

 Health test Friday. Study

Two groups will perform their dances tomorrow

Math quiz on drawing of quadrilaterals tomorrow. See 7B samples from today blog

Four Cloze passages

7B June 12, 2023

Illustrate the following figures with the given criteria

1) Rectangle, width 3cm, height 5cm

2) Parallelogram, height 6cm, base 5cm, with 60° and 120° angles

3) Trapezoid, Base 5cm, height 3cm, two 75°, two 105°

4) Right trapezoid, base 6cm, height 4cm, one 45°

5) Rhombus, side = 5cm, two 135°, two 45°

6) Regular hexagon, each side 6cm

7) Regular pentagon, each side 4cm

8) Square, each side 6cm

Saturday 10 June 2023

7B Health, June 10, 2023

Health test Friday June 16. Study

Friday 9 June 2023

7B, June 9, 2023

Draw four quadrilaterals as listed below 

Shape A: Rhombus, side = 5cm, angle 120° and 60°

Shape B: Right trapezoid, base 6cm, height 7cm, one 60°

Shape C: Parallelogram, height 8cm, base 6cm, with 50° and 130°

Shape D: Draw a regular hexagon with each side of 4cm and each angle of 120

Get 4 key points per category. Just copy and paste the information into your doc and highlight information (XO, XXY, XYY)

More information

Trisomy X, also called triple X syndrome or 47,XXX, is characterized by the presence of an additional X chromosome in each of a female's cells. Although females with this condition may be taller than average, this chromosomal change typically causes no unusual physical features. Most females with trisomy X have normal sexual development and are able to conceive children.

Trisomy X is associated with an increased risk of learning disabilities and delayed development of speech and language skills. Delayed development of motor skills (such as sitting and walking), weak muscle tone (hypotonia), and behavioral and emotional difficulties are also possible, but these characteristics vary widely. Seizures or kidney abnormalities occur in about 10 percent of affected females.




June 9, 2023

Shape A: Rhombus, side = 5cm, angle 120° and 60°

Shape B: Right trapezoid, base 6cm, height 7cm, one 60°

Shape C: Parallelogram, height 8cm, base 6cm, with 50° and 130°

Shape D: Draw a regular hexagon with each side of 4cm and each angle of 120

Thursday 8 June 2023

7C Class Photos


7B Health, June 8

Draw all the quadrilaterals please

June 8, 2023

 Study health test, next Friday June16

Wednesday 7 June 2023

7B June 7, 2023

 Learn this from yesterday. Quiz tomorrow

Michael Lee-Chin Crystal (science). Learn this, quiz tomorrow, 10 true/false questions 

Health lesson

Make a copy of this math handout (download to your computer)

June 7, 2023

 Michael Lee-Chin Crystal Quiz

Speech scoring sheet