Thursday 23 June 2016

June 23, 2016

Track day tomorrow
- you will be outside all day, hot and sunny
- bring water (and put a bottle in freezer so you can halve cold water). hat, sun screen, sun glasses, running shoes, extra sock and T shirt

Wednesday 22 June 2016

June 22, 2016

Locker clean out this afternoon.  Bring a large bag and start learning your locker.  There should be very few items left by Thursday afternoon
Track day tomorrow.  Bring lunch, sun screen, hat, sun glasses, water, extra shirt

Tuesday 21 June 2016

June 21, 2016

Track day on Friday
- you will be outside all day, hot and sunny
- bring water (and put a bottle in freezer so you can halve cold water). hat, sun screen, sun glasses, running shoes, extra sock and T shirt
- sign math test and do correction
 - close passage "No place to go but up"
- bring your own lunch.  Cafe will not be opened 

Thursday 16 June 2016

Wednesday 15 June 2016

June 15, 2016

Ice cram Friday: bring a bowl, a spoon and $1

Develop a multiple choice test on Google terms.  Ten questions plus a name field.  Topic of your choice

Tuesday 14 June 2016

June 14, 2016

Math test, bisectors, angles, triangles, construction of 2D figures on Monday June 20.  Bring protractor and compass to complete test

Ice cream treat [from Kwok's wife] on Friday. Bring $1, a bowl and a spoon.  No bowl or seen will cost an extra $0.50

Thursday 9 June 2016

June 9, 2016

Draw and find the centre of gravity for the following shapes

One equilateral triangle
One acute tranangle
One right angle triangle
One obtuse triangle
One isosceles triangle
One square
One regular hexagon
One rectangle

Monday 6 June 2016

June 6, 2016

For those who have not handed in the goals (practical, realistic, measurable) how you will prepare yourself for grade 8 over the summer, please do so tonight and have parents sign the sheet

Bisect two acute, two obtuse, one right and two reflect angles with a compass.  Measure original angle and the two bisected angles.  They should add up

original angle = A + B

The illustrations should be big (length > 5cm; angle >25°)

Friday 3 June 2016

June 3, 2016

- bring a compass to school: We will learn to bisect lines and angles next week
- draw ten straight lines (3 vertical, 3 horizontal, 4 inclined lines) and bisect them with a compass.  Show the perpendicular bisector for each


On Monday during class time, you are required to write a PEE essay, stating your view on euthanasia.  Thesis the assignment you will do to upgrade your SS mark

Thursday 2 June 2016

June 2, 2016

Complete Mono Cliff Experience survey from your email.  Send the results back to them
Congruent and Similar triable: AAA, SAS, ASA, SSS, SSA, ASS, AAS, SAA.  Determine if these properties will form congruent or similar triangles

- draw, measure length and angles, and come up with conclusion