Monday 30 November 2015

November 30, 2015

- read this

- writing: 25 passive voice sentences.  No personal pronouns, focus on the action (underline the action first before rewriting)on

- Math test tomorrow.  Transformation Geometry, long, at least two periods.  Please bring ruler, and pencil
- Commodity report to be submitted to by tonight
- Book report due Dec 10, preferably to upload to me by Dec 7


Friday 27 November 2015

November 27, 2015

- Complete tessellation (2 colour to fill the inside. outline each shape withe dark coloured marker)
- transformational geometry test on Tuesday December 1, 2015
- book report due Dec 10 (preferably before Dec 8)
- commodity report due Dec 1

Thursday 26 November 2015

November 26, 2015

6E, 6F, 6G: Science test on December 9 or 10.  STUDY (solar eclipse and all materials till the day before test)

- please email the commodity report to me by Dec 1
- please email book report by Dec 8
- Math test: Motion Geometry on Dec 1 (Tuesday)
- Dry cleaning rug question and two other questions
- will learn tessellation tomorrow

Wednesday 25 November 2015

November 25, 2015

- Venn diagram. Draw reflection line on shape A to J, classify and sort these shapes on a Venn diagram (at least one right angle, at least one flip line)
- then use the grid paper and draw the shapes listed above page 1.  Classify these shapes following the same criteria

Tuesday 24 November 2015

November 24, 2015

- sign SS quiz
- Math transformational geometry: identify the motions in each question.  Be careful, in some cases, there are more than one motion to move original shape
- Please email book report to me by Dec 7
- Commodity report due Dec 1

Monday 23 November 2015

November 23, 2015

SS: read textbook, p. 22 to 24 and p. 58 to 61.  Take jot notes and study.  Quiz tomorrow

Friday 20 November 2015

November 20, 2015

- four EQAO questions in motion geometry (to see if you pass grade six)
- 30 mins on book report each day

- first person to use hot air balloon to travel around the world, year, and time it took
- where did he start and land

Science test:
6E, 6G: December 9 (day 4)
6F: December 10 (Day 5)
- everything since solar eclipse

Thursday 19 November 2015

November 19, 2015

- 12 Translation questions, ruler + pencil
- 30 mins on book report

- 14 days of Air pressure reading.  Upload to Kwok on Dec 5
- record, date, time, AP and weather in a chart in Word

6E, 6G: Sci test on Dec 9.  Everything since solar eclipse
6F: Sci test on Dec 10. Everything since solar eclipse

6F, 6G - record AP for the next two weeks.  Upload data chart to me by Dec 4, 2015

Wednesday 18 November 2015

November 18, 2015

- Transformational Geometry: reflection and rotation.  Complete the 12 questions prepared by your fellow classmate.  Ruler and shade
- I need to see an hour of work done on your book report.  Upload the document to your email account.  Kwok will check tomorrow
- SS: height of Mount Everest, name of the tallest peaks in North and South America and their heights

Tuesday 17 November 2015

November 17, 2015

- Transformational Geometry: Test next week on reflection, rotation and translation
- Rotation sheet, both side
- Commodity report due Tuesday December 1, 2015
- Phantom Tollbooth due December 11.  Please upload to me if you have completed your work before the deadline

Monday 16 November 2015

November 16, 2015

-  show electronic book report comments to parents.  Sign in your planner and acknowledge your mark
- Math: reflection of alphabets.  Find words with vertical and horizontal flip lines.
The record is 165
- part C: Palindrome - words that spell the same when reading forward and backward. e.g. AVA, HANNAH, BOB, RACECAR

Thursday 12 November 2015

November 12, 2015

- no school on Friday.  Kwok is doing your report card in the classroom
- read:
Montreal sewage, who said we have safe, drinking water
- Transformational geometry: three reflection sheets.  Please use pencil, ruler and mira to draw.  Shade in the image
- Two symmetrical diagrams.  Find two symmetrical images on line, enlarged in Word, print out, cut in half along flip line, hand draw the other half, colour (if needed)
- Commodity report: 30 mins each day.  See today handout for detail.  Put information in Word, upload to yourself.  Kwok will check on Monday
- Phantom tollbooth: 30 mins each day (read or start writing report)

Wednesday 11 November 2015

November 11, 2015

Photo retake day tomorrow.

- sign math test, do corrections, redo questions that are wrong
- write a paragraph, about 100 words with conjunctions/adverbs and adjectives to explain why you score high/low in the math test.  Have the letter signed by parents
- remember: if you don't study, you will do poorly in school.  In contrast, if you review and study regularly,you will do well.  It is like this in my class, in high school and beyond.

- Montreal sewage

Tuesday 10 November 2015

November 10, 2015

- Meningitis vaccines in January 2016
- Hep B second shot in May, 2016
- Commodity report, book report (total= 1 hour)

Monday 9 November 2015

November 9, 2015

- Peace: It is worth fighting for (read and do questions)
- Hep B shot tomorrow.  Bring a snack (not candy or chocolate)
- bring a coin (at least a quarter) for the Remembrance Day poppy

Friday 6 November 2015

November 6, 2015

- Math test on Monday. Perimeter, area, cost, triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, newspaper routes and of course tangerine.  STUDY
- Math application.  Calculate the non-shaded area
- SS: The commodity report, spend about 30 mins on it this weekend, jot notes
- Phantom tollbooth - 30 mins per day
- Hep B shot on Tuesday morning.  Bring a snack (not candy or chocolate)

- science report due Friday November 13, 2015.  No personal pronouns, focus on the action.  Email to

Thursday 5 November 2015

November 5, 2015

- math test on Monday: perimeter, area, paper route, triangles, parallelogram, trapezoids, cost (2 periods)
- Hep B shots on Tuesday.  Bring a snack (not candy or chocolate but crackers, muffin or sandwich).  I don't want you to have an empty stomach when you have the shot
- 20 jot notes for the SS project (a commodity that Canada exports)
- Math: area of trapezoids

Wednesday 4 November 2015

November 4, 2015

- Hep B shots next Tuesday November 10, 2015.  Make sure you bring a snack for the day after the shot
- read the article in a link from yesterday blog.  Stay in school. Education is important
- SS: Two contour maps
- Math: Area of triangles and parallelograms

Tuesday 3 November 2015

November 3, 2015

- conjunction sheet#2
- Math: area, tiles and money#2
- sign book report sheet for Phantom Tollbooth, due December 11, 2015

7F, read this.  That's why you need to stay in school and do well.

Monday 2 November 2015

November 2, 2015

- LA: conjunction sheet.  Combine two simple sentences together with proper conjunctions.  Add adjectives and/or adverbs if necessary.  Avoid run on sentences (if you cannot read the sentence with one breath, it is too long)
- Math: area and tile calculation.  Show steps and calculation
- Next book report: Phantom Tollbooth, due December 11, 2015.  Same format and questions as Run.  Read Chapter 1 tonight