Monday 29 September 2014

September 29 to October 1

7G: No homework in the three days.  Most students are spending these three days at Mono Cliffs Outdoor Education Centre

6E: Sci, Tree diagram for mythology (difficult, will take a while to complete)

Friday 26 September 2014

September 26, 2014

LA: "RUN", spend one hour each day (total of 3 hours) and read or work on book report

Mono Cliff Trip from Monday to Wednesday: refer to handout from last week. Please pack warm clothing and overnight PJ, toothbrush, sneakers, hat, sunglasses, sleeping bag or blanket.

Supposed to be sunny and fairly warm during the trip (high of around 22°C, 10°C at night).

Please leave cell phone and electronic games at home.  Students may bring cameras.

Bring 4 AA batteries and keep in locker.

6E Sci: Complete Tree Diagram.  Due Monday.

Thursday 25 September 2014

September 25, 2014

Math: Sign math test, do corrections; and complete the extra sheet (HST)
SS: Climate map: review climate characteristics in the regions discussed in class

Wednesday 24 September 2014

September 24, 2014

Math: Cross Multiplication with three variables, 8 questions
LA: Main idea and summary for Gift of a Microscope
Sci: put wet cloth in freezer for two weeks (sublimation)

Sci: Tee diagram due on Monday

Tuesday 23 September 2014

September 23, 2014

7G: Sci: Read textbook p. 10 to 12 on Particle Theory
7G: LA: Reading review; personality of a teacher, 3 words with explanation
7G: Geography: Review climate information on Tundra, Temperate, Continental climate
7G: Math: Ratio and Cross Multiplication, all questions except #12

7G: Please bring 4 AA batteries for keyboards; put them in a ziplock in locker

Monday 22 September 2014

September 22, 2014

7G: LA: Add adverbs to the 28 sentences; read "Run"
Media and Typing: This week, please bring 4 AA batteries for keyboarding

6E" Science: Repeat sensitivity experiment to parents or sibling.  Record and convert data into %

Thursday 18 September 2014

September 18, 2014

Welcome to Curriculum Night!

7G: Adventure Valley trip tomorrow.  Please bring lunch, water, sunglasses, sun screen, snack, extra socks
7G: Math test on Monday: %, decimal, fraction, factors, multiples, LCM, prime numbers
7G: LA: "RUN".  Please continue to read and work on your book report (1 hour per night)
7G Sci: perform sensitivity experiment on parent's hand. Record data in notebook

7H Sci: Comprehension 1 and 2

Wednesday 17 September 2014

September 17, 2014

Friday, September 19, Adventure Valley.  Please bring lunch, water, sunglasses, hat, snack, sun screen and proper clothing (will be 19°C in the afternoon).

Please invite parents to Curriculum night on Thursday September 18 at 6pm.

Math: Factor Tree, HCF

Tuesday 16 September 2014

September 16, 2014

7G: Sci: What is your occupation? How to write a science report in paragraph form

7G LA: Run, Chapter 4, Describe Winston's personality, 5 words with explanation

7G: Math Test on Monday Sept 22, %, decimal, fraction, LCM, factors, multiples.

Monday 15 September 2014

Friday 12 September 2014

September 12, 2014

6H: Sci: Complete sensitivity experiment. Convert data into percent in left and own hand.

7G: LA: Read Chapter 2 and 3 on "Run" (to page 23). Sign book report sheet
LA: Complete poem and diagram
Math: Complete worksheet on multiples, factors and LCM
Picture day: Tuesday September 16, 2014. Dress nicely please.

Thursday 11 September 2014

September 11, 2014

Math: Text, page 6 and 7, question# 3 to 12
Bring back Mono Cliff and  Hep B forms

Wednesday 10 September 2014

September 10, 2014

LA: Personality homework, about 30 questions, pick from list
Complete Hep B vaccine form

Tuesday 9 September 2014

September 9, 2014

LA: Five sentences on your personality. EXPLAIN. Use personality list
Math: Percent, decimal and fraction. Kwok's trip to Vancouver. to question 6H
Mono Cliff: Monday Sept 29 to Wed Oct 1, $75. Sign and return form
Adventure Valley, Fri., Sept 19, return form
Family Studies: Bring order form and money tomorrow for project (about $8)

Monday 8 September 2014

September 8, 2014

- Team building day form, Adventure Valley, Sept 19 (Friday). $21 + 1 TTC token
- Math: percent, decimal, fraction
- sign comprehension, subtraction and adjective sheet results

Friday 5 September 2014

September 5, 2014

-LA: 75 personality words.  Words that describe behaviour
-SS: Find information on ten European explorers (time, origin, what they did etc)
- Sci: Review six components in an experiment

- Sci: comment on blog